DIY Rice Filled Hot/Cold Pack

I am sure most of you have had the experience of feeling stiff and sore at the end of a long day, or after a hard workout. Your neck is holding the stress of the day and your shoulders just need a good massage….but you don’t have the time to stop for a massage…this is when it is wonderful to have a handy Rice Filled Hot/Cold Pack. There were many DIY hot/cold pack ideas on the web and this one was easy to customize. In under an hour and for less than $5 you can have a solution to your aching neck and shoulders.


Here’s what you need:

¼ yard of soft Cotton Fabric
Matching thread
Sewing machine
Uncooked rice (I used 2 ½ -3 cups)
Essential Oil (I used an essential oil called Balance that is a combination of spruce, rosewood, frankincense and blue tansy)

Here are the easy steps to make your DIY Rice Filled Heat Pack:

1. Cut your fabric into two strips about 16″ x 8″. Place fabric right sides together, pin and sew ⅝ seam around 3 edges, leaving one long edge not sewn. On the one long edge that has not been sewn, mark off 2 inch segments with a pin every 2 inches. Sew on this 4th side between every other pinned off section. Your result will be a fourth side that has 2 inch gaps that will be used to fill the four sections of your heating pack.

2. Trim corners, turn your bag right-side out and use a pencil or chop stick to push out the corners from the inside. Iron.

3. Measure and mark your bag into 4 equal sections at the edge of each of the gaps. Start sewing these dividing lines from the top of the long side with the gaps to the opposite long side. You will now have a 4 pocket sections for your rice.

4. Top-stitch around the edge, very close to the edge, leaving the gaps to fill your bag open.

5. Pour your rice into a bowl and add 6-8 drops of essential oil. Mix well.

6. Using a funnel, gradually fill each section of your bag with rice, using about ⅔-¾ cup to fill each section.

7. Once your bag sections are as full as you’d like it, fold in the open edges of the gaps and pin and top stitch each one closed.

8. Once you’re ready to use your hot pack, put the bag in the microwave for up to 2 minutes and enjoy! OR you can keep it in the freezer to use as a cold pack.

9. Some blogs recommend putting a glass of water in the microwave with the heat pack to prevent the rice from burning. Never leave the heat pack in the microwave unattended. Be very careful removing it from the microwave because it could be quite hot.

This is a fun and easy DIY project and you will be so glad you took the time. So the next time you need something to help relieve your end of the day sore muscles, grab your Rice Filled Hot/Cold Pack and start to feel better quickly.
Bekah Signature48


  1. […] – Make Bekah’s DIY Rice Filled Hot/Cold pack. I asked a few essential oil experts and they recommended a cooling oil like peppermint, any mint […]