Displaying LOVE with Creativity
My first anniversary was this past Sunday, so I thought it would be fitting to talk about a craft that I did for my husband. I can’t believe I have already been married a year. Although it feels like we have known each other forever, I still feel pretty new at this whole marriage thing. And one of those wife tasks I am learning about is decorating our house. So I have been trying to do some low budget crafting.
One of the first crafts that I did once we were married was to create a way to display our vows. I have seen vows, commitments, love letters, or pictures displayed in all sorts of ways. I chose to put up our vows in a window display with copies of both our vows, pictures, and our invitation.
We put up the window in our room so it could be a reminder of the vows and promises we made on our marriage day. It is a really awesome opportunity to reflect on the vows and reminisce on those moments of our wedding, but also prompt us to choose to live those out daily.
Written out reminders, symbols, expressions, momentos, and notes are a great way to have a visual suggestion to do something, say something, or think of something. I am a huge fan of post it notes, writing notes on mirrors, putting up helpful sayings, writing positive words on my hands, and the art of encouragement through writing in general. Don’t discredit writing love letters, positive messages, and helpful inspiration. It can make a difference.
Other ways I have seen people put up their vows: canvases, canvases with a picture in the background, frames, shadow boxes, written on a letter and framed, graphic design vows, in a window display, written on a decorative mirror, in an old journal, or decorated with trees, hearts, lock and key.
If you didn’t write your own vows, aren’t married, or don’t want to display your vows, make a craft that tells someone how much you love them. If you don’t have time to make a craft, write a post it note or write on someones mirror to cheer them up. It will show them and tell them they are loved and cherished.