Community Living

We were created to be in community with others. Whether it’s friends, co workers, aquaintances, family, etc., we weren’t meant to do this life alone.  I think that is why we get that ache of feeling like we are missing something when we are alone, when we are trying to fight battles on our own, or when we isolate ourselves from the people around us. We have a real and genuine need and desire to be surrounded by people. People encourage you, people challenge you, people love you, people accept you, and people even sometimes rub you the wrong way.  But it is all a part of figuring out your sense of who you are, your confidence in yourself, your ability to interact and respond to others, and your potential to love other people. You can’t figure that out when it is just you. Community creates awareness, understanding, and appreciation.

600880_4696424297030_1458443795_nWhat do you get out of your community?  How do you contribute? How does it affect you?

Community does not have to look one way or another, or be secluded to one type of person.  Community can and should be a mix of people that are living life and wanting to figure out how to do it together. They don’t have to all look or act a certain way.  They don’t have to even be in the phases of life.  Mix it up a little. We usually learn the most from people that are different than us.  Often we have to look beyond that first impression or what we assume about someone.  Everyone has a story, everyone has a unique way to express themself.  Community is about accepting people for who they are.  The more you surround yourselves with people that look just like you, the more narrow your view of life is. It is okay to stay in a bubble or a certain group at times, but I challenge you to venture out, talk to someone you wouldn’t normally interact with.  Get to know someone on an airplane or bus or wherever you are. Broaden your view of who you are by letting someone different than you into your life.  While some people learn by experience, others learn through others mistakes, failures, or successes. So get to know someone.  Create deep relationships.  Ask the hard questions.  But also be willing to answer the hard questions.  Community creates a deep rooted satisfaction when the purpose has depth, authenticity, and love.


What does your community look like?                                                                                    Who could you interact with in maybe a new community?

And Happy Memorial Day!                                                                                                            It’s a great day for family and friends. Call someone and have a BBQ!

Bethany Signature48

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