Celebrations-How we Celebrate our Grandkids 6th Birthdays!!!
In our family, we love to celebrate! Our family is spread out all over the state of California so we have had to get creative with HOW we celebrate as a family. Webster’s definition of the word celebrate is “to observe or commemorate an event or an accomplishment with festivities and ceremonies”. Celebrations are a way of establishing family traditions as you honor a person or event. We fully embrace the truth that children spell LOVE…T..I..M..E!!!! Spending time together builds up the person being celebrated and allows everyone attending the celebration to acknowledge their feelings of love and commitment. We also see value in establishing traditions because belonging (to a family) is a way to build security and confidence as children grow and mature and affirms our love for our daughters and son-in-laws.
One of our favorite family traditions is that when our grandkids turn 6 years old they get a whole day at Disneyland with Gammie and Poppa ALL BY THEMSELVES!
This weekend we celebrated Hanna and Calvin and they each had a full day of fun at Disneyland with Gammie and Poppa!! Each of them structured their day in a way unique to their personality. They get to choose all the activities for the day. Hanna wanted to pick out her gift-a pair of Minnie ears and then go on “all the rides” we could fit into the day! Calvin wanted to get a lay of the land by riding the Disney train around the park a few times before he was ready to tackle the rides.
Both children have a passion for food so we tasted many yummy delights-especially wonderful ice cream treats! Hanna had endless energy and wanted to play tag every moment we were not surrounded with crowds of people. She literally talked the entire day without stopping!!!Calvin preferred to stay close and showed his bravery by going on rides he was not quite sure of and then we all got to celebrate his courage. He loved every ride we went on and decided Big Thunder mountain and the Cars ride were his favorites! He decided to pick out a new stuffed animal friend duo for his gift and took home Rocket and Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. Both kids love their family so much they wanted to take home treats to share.
All in all, each one of our adventures with our grandkids on their 6th birthday has been a wonderful celebration. It has given us time to get to know them individually and to establish a deeper relationship with each one of them a they grow up.
Celebrations in our family are for more than birthdays because we believe there is value in celebrating milestones, accomplishments and activities that our kids and grandkids participate in. Establishing a firm foundation of unconditional love, trust, commitment and caring about the whole person has helped us develop a legacy of faith and hope and love in our family!
Here are some photos from this past weekend and from the other 6th birthday celebrations we have had with Jorde, Reese, Zeke and Ellie.
Calvin’s day started with a photo with Walt Disney!
Jungle Cruise was a big hit!
We conquered Big Thunder Mountain-one of our favorites…
I think the day was a great success!!!!
Hanna has been talking about her special day for months and I think it was all she had hoped it would be!!!
Of course we had ICE CREAM!!!
We conquered the Matterhorn!
I think Hanna was one happy girl-full of JOY!!! Enough said…our day was SPECTACULAR!!!
Here are some pictures form the past…Jorde (now 9 3/4), Reese & Zeke (now 7 1/2) and Ellie (now 7).
Reese & Zeke
A treat before the parade.
Ellie just loves dancing and we had an extra special parade including a dance team!
What a wonderful way to celebrate those you love!!!
How do you celebrate?