Celebrating the BIG “60”
“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 has been one of my favorite verses my whole life. This weekend was a beautiful picture of the “desires of my heart” being fulfilled as I experienced the gift of family and 3 generations of God’s lovingkindness and mercy that has been poured out over my family. All 19 of us, (my sweet husband, 4 daughters, 4 sons-in-law, and 9 grandkids), gathered on the beach in San Diego to celebrate my 60th birthday and it will be a weekend that I will never forget.
The legacy of love that God has gifted to our family runs deep and the grace of God that raised me up as a daughter of the King of Kings at the age of 15 began a life for me that changed the “desires of my heart”. It is not that my desires had been wrong or self serving-they were just more self centered and goal oriented according to the world’s standards. As I began to get to know my Lord and Savior in a personal way, I realized that my hopes and dreams had much more to do with leaving a legacy of love than making a name for myself. As I have “delighted myself in the Lord” over the past 45 years, He has challenged me to look outward, to live boldly, to serve with generosity, to love unconditionally, to stay committed to my faith, to choose wisely and to trust and obey Him always. I will never regret one day that I have stayed true to this calling.
What are the desires of your heart?