Celebrate the Little Things


So much of the NEW YEAR is focused on these big goals, habits, or changes that we want to make. We focus so much on these that we sometimes miss the little things along the way. Today I asked a group of women what they have accomplished so far this year, alot of them gawked at the question… What? It’s only been a few days.  And I said yes, but not the big goals that may take awhile to accomplish or you may already feel like you are feeling because you lost your way.  The little things.  Did you make it out of the house? did you keep your kids alive? Did you clean a cabinet? Did you make dinner? Every day we accomplish little things that we don’t even realize.  So yes BIG GOALS are good! But we can’t be so focused on those things that we lose sight of our hope and little things in the every day.

What can you celebrate today?