What’s on your heart?
As Easter is right around the corner, I just want you to take a few moments to think about what is on your heart. What is your focus? What do you think about when you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning? Is your soul filled? Is your spirit refreshed? Are you peaceful, or are you bombarded with the tasks of your day?
Regardless of your circumstances or the busyness of your day, take a few moments to be still. Be present. Reflect. Sit in that moment. Who are you today? Where have you come from? How have you grown? How has God walked with you through your mountains and valleys? How has he carried you?
Take some time to be filled with Jesus. The Holy Spirit is your guide and your teacher, your friend and your guide. Are you bogged down with self doubt and insecurity? Take those nasty thoughts captive and give yourself over to truth. There is truth. There is goodness. There is grace. It is all in Jesus. He has created you just as you are, with strength, with joy, with confidence. How can you really live in that experience? Are you able to see Him? If you have surrendered your life to Him, He is in you, walking with you, carrying you. You just have to pay attention, recognize, reflect.
If you are looking for a little extra reading this Easter, take some time to dive into this DESIRING GOD devotional. You won’t regret it.
Read MoreBecome a Better You
Sometimes the thought of learning or changing one more thing is overwhelming, but growth, maturing, changing can be a really important part of the process of life. We can always been gaining more information, different perspectives, insight, advice in so many things in our lives. There is nothing wrong with seeing something around you and wanting to grow or move more towards that. You just have to keep it in check. Is that desire something tangible, doable, and good for you, or are you stuck comparing yourself to someone else? So keep your growth in check so you can grow to become a better you, not become someone else. You are the best you you can be. That doesn’t mean you are done where you are today, but do the best you can for each day, and you will continue to grow and become more excellent in who you are.
What are some fun ways to grow?
- What is your trade? Read books and articles in that field
- Focus on what you are thankful for and the good things
- Listen to podcasts
- Teach your kids about something new (you may learn from it too)
- Talk to people, become good at asking questions
- Be a good listener
- Set goals and intentions
This past weekend I got to go to a Fit4mom Training to grow in my group fitness instruction skills. I loved the time I got to spend with my team, and the things I learned. I never want to stop learning and growing to become a better teacher and leader in Fit4mom.
All in all, just pick one or two things that you can focus on, and watch yourself grow. Feel the change happening by taking a little more focus and intention. And write things down so you can reflect …
Read MoreMom Hacks for Easter
Easter is coming up next week! Busy mom life gotten in the way of your desired Pinterest worthy ideas? Don’t stress – here are some tips and tricks to having a great, simple, and still adorable, Easter!
If your time is limited, but you want to do something cute for your kids’ buddies or classmates – this is perfect for you! These bags are so cute! All you have to do is fill them with an orange treat (Goldfish, Cheddar Bunnies, Orange M&M’s), tie them off, add a cute label and you’re set!
Find cute containers or baskets that can be used after Easter. These are $1 at Target and I plan to use them for toy organization and storage after they are filled with some fun Easter goodies.
Tip for Easter Baskets
Fill Easter baskets with things your kids NEED, not just candy and trinkets.
Clothes and shoes for the warmer weather, an Easter outfit (that can be worn throughout Spring and Summer, too), new school supplies, a craft idea with all the supplies that will give you and your child some quality time together!
Check out some of our favorite (and always simple) ideas to have a super fun, Jesus-filled Easter!
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Growth through hardship — Your Great Hands
Life shattered on this empty floor
I’ve tried so hard to simply keep it
I know there must be something more
I’m here now to turn it over; complete surrender
Into Your great hands, I will place my trust (ohh)
When I cannot stand, You will lift me up (ohh)
Every failure, every fear, every step that led me here
All I am, into Your great hands (ohh)
To loosen my grip and let go
But really all that I am risking
Is perfect
Sharing the Real Meaning of Easter with your Children and Grandchildren
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The whole Christian faith is based on Easter
Easter is a season when we reflect on the suffering, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is impossible to reflect upon Easter and all of its hardships without letting it reflect in and through us. The beauty of the Lenten season is that it encourages the development of a humble heart. In Lent, we are invited to look deeply inside, identify what is impeding our ability to follow Christ along the path of humility, and ask God to help us begin to make changes.
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in
me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)
We have always used the resurrection eggs help our children and grandchildren understand the true meaning of Easter. If you have never used Resurrection eggs to tell the Easter story to your kids, here is the link to purchase a set of eggs or you can make them yourselves. To buy them click here Resurrection Eggs. To make your own, click here DIY Resurrection Eggs.
Here are some other great resources for Moms young and old to use with their kids or grandkids to prepare them for Easter.
This year I thought it would be fun to try something new. I found a wonderful resource called The Easter Story Egg, www.StoryEgg.com is the website. This year I purchased an Easter Story Egg for each of my daughters to use with their children.
Here is the creator’s explanation of this tool….
“The Easter Story Egg™ is a tradition that celebrates the true meaning of …
Read MoreA Grandmother’s Love
I have wrestled for 8 years with the nagging question of “what is so extraordinary about a Grandmother’s Love?” I absolutely loved being a mom and embraced every opportunity to pour into my daughters through encouragement, training, teaching, correcting and sometimes disciplining. But there is some indescribable difference about my role as a grandparent. I look at my role as “Gammie” as a mentorship role model. I am more focused on careful instruction and showing great patience and less focused on commanding obedience and monitoring accomplishments. I have more time to come alongside each of my grandkids and more time to listen to their hearts. I also have more wisdom to discern what really matters in the long run and can focus on developing their character. What that looks like on a daily basis was described by a speaker I heard this weekend who was sharing about her relationship with her grandma. She used this relationship with her grandma as a model of discipleship. There were two simple things her grandma did that had a significant impact on her confidence and her ability to persevere through the hard times.
Grandma would sit and watch her dance…..find out what your kids or grandkids are passionate about and take the time to show them that you are passionate about watching them do what they love to do.
Grandma would walk toward her and meet her everyday right where she was…..encourage your kids or grandkids by meeting them right where they are and giving them the best you can offer.
Loving my grandkids is a joy. Knowing that my love has the power to shape their character, build their confidence and ignite their faith is a privilege that I will embrace until the end of my days.
A few principles I …
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day from the Growing Weisser family!
Here are a few of my favorite Valentines…….. So adorable-little Garrett!!!
Rachel, Mikah, Ellie and Hanna fill our hearts with joy! Adorable Hanna and Mikah …Love and hearts everywhere!
Fun and spunky Sophie who gets the award for #1 BEST big sister to Hezi!!!
Precious Hezi and his new smile!
Jorde having yummy bowl of ice cream!
Zeke making Valentines.
Reese and her new bicycle.
Calvin is always a happy boy.
My sweet husband had these gorgeous flowers on the counter for me this morning. I gathered with some wonderful girlfriends to make homemade bagels that I am giving my sweet husband for his Valentine’s day treat.
The following Valentine is my absolute favorite…Love is in the air…it’s Valentine’s day!!!
This Valentine is sent to each one of us from God!!!
Read it and believe it..it will change your life!!
Emmanuel-God with Us
From the Hebrew name עִמָּנוּאֵל (‘Immanu’el) meaning “God is with us”. This was the foretold name of the Messiah in the Old Testament. It has been used in England since the 16th century in the spellings Emmanuel and Immanuel.
This is not a personal name. In Isaiah 7:14 it is fulfilled, not in the naming of Jesus, but in the whole account of His origin and naming. It is not that Jesus ever bore the name Immanuel but that it indicates His role, bringing God’s presence to man. Matthew showed that the virgin conception was not something new, but that it had been predicted by the prophet Isaiah. God is now with the people to save them as the prophets have predicted. Therefore “God is with us” would not so much describe the exact nature of Jesus, but rather that God has been gracious to His people by sending His Messiah.
When the conception of Jesus was announced to Joseph the angel told him that a son would be born who would be called Immanuel – God with us. The phrase may be emphasizing the truth of the gospel that God became a human being in Jesus Christ. It is also possible that Matthew is emphasizing that God was faithful to His promises in sending the Messiah to His people the Jews.
Devotional about Jesus our Emmanuel….
This is another name given to Jesus. Jesus was truly one with God – taking on humanity to bring reconciliation between God and us.
This was the only way to bring us back into relationship with God. God came as a baby, then grew to be a man – He walked, talked and had fellowship with humanity in the person of Jesus – Emmanuel – God with us.
Wonderful Counselor
Jesus is called our WONDERFUL COUNSELOR
Isaiah calls the Messiah the “Wonderful Counselor”, which indicates the kind of character this coming King has. The word wonderful in this passage literally means “incomprehensible.” The Messiah will cause us to be “full of wonder.”The same word for “wonderful” is used in Judges 13:18 when Manoah, Samson’s father, asked the LORD what His name was. The angel of the LORD responded, “Why do you ask my name, seeing it is wonderful?” In other words, “Why do you ask my name, since it is beyond your understanding?”
Jesus demonstrated His wonderfulness in various ways when He was on the earth,
His conception in the womb of a virgin (Matthew 1:23)
His power to heal (Matthew 4:23)
His amazing teaching (Mark 1:22)
His perfect life (Hebrews 4:15)
His resurrection from the dead (Mark 16:6)
The second part of the Messiah’s title is the word counselor. In ancient Israel, a counselor was portrayed as a wise king, such as Solomon, giving guidance to his people (1 Kings 4:34; Micah 4:9). Isaiah uses this word again in 28:29 to describe the LORD: “This also comes from the LORD of hosts; he is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom.” Jesus is a wise counselor. Jesus always knows what we are going through, and He always knows the right course of action (Hebrews 4:15–16).
- Thank you, Jesus that you are our Wonderful Counselor. We can trust you to listen to our problems and guide us in the right direction (Proverbs 3:6). Thank you for the reassurance that you are always listening because you tell us to pray to you about our worries (Philippians 4:6; James 1:5). We have confidence that you have our best interests at heart because you love us (1
The Names of Jesus: JESUS
“I AM THE GIFT that continuously gives – bounteously, with no strings attached. Unconditional Love is such a radical concept that even My most devoted followers fail to grasp it fully. Absolutely nothing in heaven or on earth can cause Me to stop loving you. You may feel more loved when you are performing according to your expectations. But My Love for you is perfect; therefore it is not subject to variation. What does vary is your awareness of My loving Presence.
When you are dissatisfied with your behavior, you tend to feel unworthy of My Love. You may unconsciously punish yourself by withdrawing from Me and attributing the distance between us to My displeasure. Instead of returning to Me and receiving My Love, you attempt to earn My approval by trying harder. All the while, I am aching to hold you in My everlasting arms, to enfold you in My Love. When you are feeling unworthy or unloved, come to Me. Then ask for receptivity to My unfailing Love.“
-“Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young
Thank you for showing your true love by setting aside your Glory when you came to Earth as a baby for my salvation. Help me to remember this throughout the holiday season. You truly are the reason for the season. You were the ultimate gift, and your love has never wavered since. Allow me to find rest and peace in your unconditional love.
What an amazing statement that is sometimes hard to truly grasp in all its immensity! As we strive to keep Christ in Christmas, I want to teach my children, not only the story of Baby Jesus, but also the earthly beginning of the only TRUE LOVE that we can ever really …
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