Being Hot in a Lukewarm World
Last Sunday, my husband spoke in church for the first time! He did so great and talked about something that is a constant challenge in the life of a Christ follower– not being lukewarm in our walk with the Lord. And, my parents just happened to be visiting, so it was fun for them to be here for his “sermon debut” 🙂 Since you couldn’t be here for his message and since he did such a great job, I thought that I would share some of his words with you!…
Read MoreA Mentor Friend
The feeling you get when you are sitting on a beautiful beach watching a sunset is hard to recreate when you get back home to the reality of a busy life full of commitments and “have tos”. One thing for me that comes close to that feeling of pure joy and contentment is going on a walk or sitting with a cup of coffee or iced tea and having a deep conversation with a “sister friend”, one of those Anne of Green Gables “kindred spirit” kind of friends. A few years ago, I had a season that was graced with just that kind of friend.…
Living out your Faith
How do you live your life? Does what you believe make a difference in how you make decisions? Does it reflect who you are? This week I was reading the part in James that talks about faith and deeds.
In the book of James in the New Testament of the Bible, James 2:18-24,26 says “‘You have faith; I have deeds’. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. …
Read MoreMaking Time for Jesus
I find myself in one of two places lately when it comes to devotions: 1. I have very limited time, or 2. I don’t know how to start and keep a devotional routine. My tip for tackling either of these road blocks is mini devotions. My favorite mini devotional book is, “Jesus Calling,” by Sarah Young.…
Read MoreFamily to the Rescue
Living in DEPENDENCE on God is the way to enjoy abundant life. Difficult circumstances amplify my awareness of God’s presence. I am reminded of God’s strength when I am tired and weak. I am encouraged by His closeness and His faithfulness to me when I am struggling. The BEST “life lessons” are often learned in the midst of the toughest trials.…
Read MoreFreedom in Christ
As we celebrate our independence today, we are reminded of the incredible freedom that we are blessed with by living in America! But, even more importantly, this holiday reminds me of the freedom I have in Christ! The Bible has so much to say about the freedom we obtain when we become followers of Jesus…
Romans 8:1-4
1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful humanity to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in human flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.…
Expect the Unexpected
Are we ever ready for the unexpected? I venture to say “No” but can we be? Should we be?
I am a very organized person and I like to plan ahead and try to have all the bases covered in case the unexpected happens. So in theory, I guess we can expect the unexpected, and prepare accordingly.
As a student, I always carried extra pens, pencils and paper, a water bottle and a snack, and on math test days I even took an extra calculator or batteries. As a young mom, I remember always having a diaper bag filled with extra everything-clothes, diapers, blankets, water and FOOD. When we moved to Guam, we had a closet full of extra water, canned food, clothes and medicines in case we had to survive a typhoon. In California, we are encouraged to be prepared for earthquakes by having “earthquake preparedness” supplies in a safe place outside of our house, so we filled large garbage cans with tents and sleeping bags and food and water. …
Read MoreChosen
Do you feel inadequate? Do you feel unloved? Do you wonder where you belong?….
These are questions that many people struggle with, but few people admit. Our world screams at us that we are never enough, that we never have enough, and we will never be enough. So we get stuck. We get stuck in the in between of trying to be content with what we have and doing away with the noise that is telling us we need more. We hide our past hurts, struggles, and feelings and fill our time with stuff to cover it all up. Then there is a never ending cycle of feeling inadequate, insignificant, and out of place.
But there is one place where we always fit in. There is one place where we are unconditionally loved. And there is one place where our significance always trumps any definition of success. That place is in the arms of our Father and Lord. …
Read MoreHonoring Dad
This Sunday is Father’s Day. I found myself thinking of how I could celebrate my husband this Father’s Day. My first thoughts were easy things such as a nap, a favorite meal or dessert, and maybe a movie. However, as I sat down to write this post I realized that this holiday can be so much more than just a day. It reminded me that I need to be honoring my husband every day, not just one day a year. …
Read MoreThe “Aha Moment” is living in the moment
Is there an “AHA moment” in life? The past few days I have been asking myself over and over “what is my dream?” “what are my hopes?”… People have been asking me- “If you could do anything what would you do… If you could be anything what could you be… If you could create your dream job, what would it be? Your dream house? Your dream location?… I struggle with this… The one dream. The EVERYTHING.…
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