“You’ve Got Mail”
One of my favorite things to do is make and send hand-made or handwritten letters and cards. Ellie had developed a recent interest in mail and art, and I couldn’t be happier. We have had a blast the last few days making and sending cards to Ellie and Hanna’s friends.
Cultivate an interest:
We just happen to be reading books and watching shows about mail recently. I’ve received great advice from friends about learning at this early preschool age and that it should come naturally from play related activities. Because Ellie became interested in mail all on her own, this activity has been really fun for her.
Book we read: “I Miss You Every Day” by Simms Tabak
Show we watched: Elmo’s World “Mail”
Gather supplies:
Essential supplies are paper, crayons or markers, envelopes, and stamps. We had a lot of fun with stickers too.
Create a space:
Create a fun space that you can comfortably create your art. We tried a small table and also the dining room table.
Make your cards:
Let your kids be the artist. I only helped with writing names and the stickers.
Prepare the envelopes:
I briefly talked to Ellie about how to address the envelope. I said that her name goes on it because it is from her and then you write your friend’s name on it so the mail person knows where to send it.
The big thing Ellie was into (from Elmo and the book) was the stamps. I helped Ellie place the stamp on the envelop in the appropriate space.
Mail your letter:
We had a blast walking to the mailbox, but you can even go on a field trip to the post office to mail your letters. I prefer activities that don’t require a lot of in and out …
Read MoreI’m Bored….
Summer is always one of my favorite times of year. Sunshine, long days, a house full of laughter and non-stop activities. Although we usually had a less structured schedule during the summer months, we did have a constant flurry of sports practices and other commitments with four busy daughters but the underlying feeling was one of excited contentment. When my kids were young, summer was a time for freedom, adventure and all kinds of new experiences. Being “bored” was not an option.
Boredom is defined as the condition of being bored-tired or wearied by dullness, tedium or unwelcome repetition. In our culture, instant gratification is an expectation. We have so many ways to satisfy that need for constant stimulation because most people have a smart phone, computer, tablet, radio, or television easily accessible. But these technologies, although wonderful in many ways are a cheap substitution for real life experiences. Summer is the perfect time to learn how to use other modalities for acquiring new skills, obtaining further knowledge and discovering your hidden talents.
This summer, when the kids say, “I’m BOOOOORED!” get out a piece of paper and spend time together brainstorming and writing down all the fun things you could possibly do together before school starts back up in the fall. Use those wonderful computers, smart phones and tablets to search the web for options. The sky is the limit.
Here is a list of ideas that might help you get started:
Call your local Parks and Recreation department to find out about all the classes they offer.
Join a community pool.
Sign up for tennis lessons.
Join a local sports team or a Community Recreation league.
Vacation bible school-attend or serve at your local church.
Do “Fix-it” projects around the house together.
Check out your local library for …
“Swapping”….better than Shopping?
This Saturday, we had a MASSIVE GARAGE SALE. In the first 15 years of our marriage my husband and I lived in 13 different houses so accumulating extra unnecessary possessions was not an option. But over the past 20 years we have lived in the same house. During this time we have raised four daughters who are now all happily married. Although they have all moved into their own homes (except for Bekah and her husband, Ashkon, who are in transition after living overseas for 2 years), many boxes of their prized possessions have remained stored in our garage. So, Bekah and I have been cleaning, organizing, sorting and purging our house for the last month.
The day of the garage sale was a beautiful summer day and we had a constant stream of folks coming to find gently used treasures. In the middle of the afternoon, a car drove up that had a huge frame of some sort on the roof. Typically you have a few professional garage sale shoppers drop by throughout the day with a big trailer attached to the back of their car or truck full of random items they have collected all day, but this car brought something different. Three young people got out of the car and we asked what was on top of their car. They proceeded to tell us about their day and how they had been going from one garage sale to another, trading one gently used item from the previous garage sale with something at the next sale. When they arrived at our place they had a huge paining on top of their car to trade with anything we wanted to trade. We really did not want a huge painting but thinking that this was a great creative way for …
Watermelon Season!
There are numerous ways to cut a watermelon. But after buying an enormous amount of watermelon the past few years (it has become a new obsession) I have found a way to slice pieces effectively and efficiently. So I wanted to pass on this new wisdom.
First, a few tips on picking a watermelon. You want to find one that looks fairly symmetrical with one yellow spot. When you pick the watermelon up, it should feel heavy. If you knock on it, it should make a hollow sound. Depending on when you are going to eat the watermelon, look to see if there are some brown markings on the outside. If there are brown scratch like marks, that means the sugar is set and it is ready to eat. If you want to wait for a few days, try to find one without scratches.
Now, to cut the watermelon.
1. Cut the watermelon in half.
2. Depending on how much of the watermelon you want to cut, you can cut one half and saran wrap the other. Stick the saran wrapped half in the refrigerator.
3. Cut the half into thirds. You can see the lines on the watermelon where it is best to cut.
4. If you want to cut slices, take the third and cut it in half, then cut into slices pieces with rind.
5. If you want to cut it into small pieces without the rind, take each third and cut separately. Cut along the rind as you see in the picture below.
6. Turn it to the side, cut at the bottom of the fruit on each side.
7. Then cut along the third as show below.
8. Cut the opposite direction.
9. Then slice through the middle of the cuts to …
Recap and Giveaway Winner
Here is a recap of our Passion Perspective week featuring Loren Thornburg.
Monday: Get to know Loren Thornburg in our first post of our Passion Perspective Week
Tuesday: Learn more about Loren through her Passion Perspective Interview
Wednesday: Read “If You Only Knew”, a favorite devotional that Loren wrote
Thursday: Read another devotional by Loren, “The Great Illusion”
And the winners are…
Quin Thornburg and Ashanti Shepherd!!!
Congrats! You will receive an email in the next day or two on how you will be receiving your devotional book!
Thank you for all of your support in another Passion Perspective week!
Reminder…for those of you who would like to subscribe to Loren’s weekly email or purchase her devotional books please email her at lorenquinelle@gmail .com.
If you would like to donate to her upcoming mission trip click here.
Read MoreDevotionals by Loren
Each year for the past 7 years, Loren has complied her devotionals into yearly books that her family has helped her print and sell. She is giving away one of her books so enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post. Here are what her 2012 and 2013 books look like.
Loren is a fun-loving gal who brings joy and encouragement to many.
Here is another fan favorite devotional written by Loren.
The Great Illusion
“Our lives are not to be compared, but to be held in gratitude for the wonder that each holds.”
Loren Thornburg
If the light hits at the right angle it appears as if there is a pool of water on the road. Yet, what happens as you get closer is this illusion fades. I find this to be true in our roads of life. We often look around and think someone else has it better than we do, wanting what they have until we get closer and realize they have hard things too, they just look different than ours. You can only see this when you get up close to someone’s life. From far away things can look great. From Facebook it’s hard not to think less of your own life and more of what you see. The illusion is to believe that it’s better somewhere else, but the truth is it’s better where you allow it to be better. You must choose to accept where you are and let it be enough for right now. Your life is a gift unlike any other. Take another look at it and see the wonder that it holds.
“He replied to the one speaking for the rest, ‘Friend, I haven’t been unfair. We agreed on the wage of a dollar, didn’t we? So take it and …
Read MoreA Favorite Devotional by Loren — “If You Only Knew”
Here is one of Loren’s devotionals that is a favorite of many of her followers. If you are just today joining our Passion Perspective week featuring Loren Thornburg and her amazing talent for writing encouraging weekly devotionals….go back to the two posts before this one to learn more about Loren and her passion for writing.
If you only knew
If you only knew…the life that lives inside of you.
If you only knew…the power you have to give
If you only knew…how people they adore you
If you only knew…you’d live as it were true
If you only knew…hard times don’t last forever
If you only knew…that hope is on it’s way
If you only knew…the things that are in store for you
If you only knew…you’d live as it were true
If you only knew…the God that created you
If you only knew…His son who paved the way
If you only knew…He calls you His, He loves you
If you only knew…you’d live as if it were true
Loren Thornburg
How often we look back and think if only I had known I would have done things differently. Worried less, loved more; talked less, listened, more; frowned less, laughed more; feared less, lived more. But we can love, listen, laugh and live today! We don’t have to look back with regrets of yesterdays, but we can live as if our hopes are true today. Believe the life that lives inside of you, take hope hard times will end, embrace the God who loves you…for all of this is true.
“If you only knew the gift God has for you and who I am, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”
John 4.10
Not many people would even go through Samaria, let alone sit by …
Read MoreLoren Thornburg Passion Perspective Interview
We asked Loren to take us on the journey of the development of her weekly devotionals….
When we asked her what was her original passion and how it developed she answered, “It didn’t start as a passion but became one. It started in college with sharing a quote as a way to update friends and family on my college journey. It continued to grow into what it is now as a weekly devotional through the support and encouragement of readers. As my passion for encouraging others developed this gave me an outlet.”
Her weekly emails began in college but it was in 2007 that she compiled her first 30-day devotional book to help raise money to finance her overseas CEI mission trip that summer. (You can donate to her current mission trip if you are interested by clicking on the link above.)
Here are some photos from various mission trips that Loren has been on with Competitive Edge International (CEI).
We asked Loren what steps she took to make her passion for writing devotionals into compiling a book become a reality?: “It became a Sunday afternoon routine and to write and email the devotionals, also known as my WE (to subscribe to Loren’s weekly emails please send your request to her email lorenquinelle@gmail.com). The book was more of a process with editing, cover design, and printing. It has become a family affair as my mom edits, my sister designs the cover and my dad and I put the books together with folding and stapling.” And this is what sets Loren’s Devotions apart from other daily devotionals. Her books allow all of her family to be involved and to use their gifts as well.
When asked what makes Loren’s devotionals special, she answered, “It’s fun because it tells my story …
Passion Perspective-Getting to Know Loren Thornburg
In the summer of 2006, Bethany and Bekah and I met Loren Thornburg for the first time.
She is a fifth generation Texan who grew up in Southern California. My daughters and I were about to embark on an adventure that would forever change our life-perspectives and priorities. We were in Southern California attending a training camp before we embarked on a mission trip to China. My girls were part of a Clinic team that would be training young Chinese girls who were developing softball skills, with hopes of someday playing on the Chinese National Team. My role was photographer, prayer warrior and discipleship leader for the team members. Loren had previously been a collegiate athlete, pitching for UCSB’s women’s softball team. She describes her sports journey, “With the unconditional love and support of my parents I pursued athletics through college at UCSB. I then had the opportunity to get my Masters of Education in Counseling while coaching at Augusta State in Georgia before I joined staff with Competitive Edge International, a sports ministry. I went on my first trip with CEI in 2003 and 6 trips later I began my journey to join staff where I have been serving the last 5 years.
One of the CEI staff members, Wendy Yantis, writes, “Loren is a genuine young woman who loves Jesus and loves people. She is honest about her struggles and she finds God at work in big and small ways. Her devotionals reflect her willingness to be open about what it really looks like to pursue Jesus. She walks in the Life of Jesus and pours out His life and care to her friends, her family, and those who read her weekly messages. She has become a true companion in the faith since we first went on a …
Read MoreSummer Strollin’ – Keeping Kids Cool in the Stroller
As the days are getting much hotter in my area, I’ve been searching for ways to keep my kids cool in the stroller during my workout classes or while I’m getting exercise.
I’ve come up with a small list, and I would love to hear things that work for you!!
Keeping Cool in the Stroller:
1 – Make Bekah’s DIY Rice Filled Hot/Cold pack. I asked a few essential oil experts and they recommended a cooling oil like peppermint, any mint oils, sweet orange, or lavender as a calming oil for a cool pack.
2 – A clip on stroller fan. I recently purchased one of these, although I might return it. Many parent reviews said the fans do not work well to move the air around the kiddos.
3 – If you don’t want to craft something yourself, I found an Etsy shop with a variety of cooling products for you (and your pets) to wear.
4 – Spray bottles or Misting Fans. When I think of this idea I imaging it going to ways: 1. Great! My kids love water and would have a blast spraying themselves, or 2. My not-always-loving girls spraying each other, taking each other’s bottles, spraying themselves in the eyes…this list could go on and on.
5 – Cool snacks. Frozen grapes, watermelon, orange slices, melon balls, frozen blueberries, and cold cuties.
6 – Cool Clothing. From my research it looks like cotton, linen, and wicking fabrics get the highest approval rating for summer. Cotton is versatile and breathable. Linen is durable and even more breathable than cotton. Wicking fabrics are man-made to “wick” moisture away from the body.
7 – By far the best product I found was the Stroll-n-Cool. It is a pricey, $46.95 + $9.95 shipping, however, seems …
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