Build Your Own Burrito Bowls – When Dinner Delights

I easily get stuck in a rut with meals. I forget that my three little mouths to feed need a change. Sometimes I get it right, and this week I had success with Build Your Own Burrito Bowls!

You can use any of your favorite Mexican foods – just place each food item in its own bowl with a serving utensil and let your family choose what they want and scoop it themselves into their bowl.

Here are the foods we had for our burrito bowl feast.


Build Your Own Burrito Bowls

Brown Rice

Black Beans

Pinto Beans

Sauteed Kale


Grated Cheese


Sliced Red Pepper



Tortilla Chips

The girls LOVED serving their own food and ate so many things they never eat! We actually had to stop dinner because they wouldn’t stop eating!

IMG_9166 IMG_9165It can be fun to get your family excited about meals again just by changing the presentation of your meals. Try finger food lunch in muffin tins, use cookie cutters to make shape with your foods, make muffin pizza or mexican taco cupcakes.

How do you get your family excited about meal time?

Rach Signature48


  1. Jill on November 16, 2015 at 8:37 am

    Burrito Bowls – what a great and simple idea! It’s going to dinner Sun nite, when our kids and their families are here – everyone will get a dinner they like; and it’ll be a quick and easy clean-up! Lunch on mon will be Taco Salad – so simple with all the left-overs!
    Thanks for the idea, and keeping my menu planning simple!