Have you ever Boo’d a friend?
It is SO MUCH FUN. We LOVE putting together baskets for our friends and surprising them with goodies. It is such a fun way to spread Halloween cheer and do something kind for others. I really love watching my girls get so excited to give.
If you don’t know what it means to BOO someone, it is really simple and fun. You put together a bag or basket for a neighbor or friend. Depending on the person you pick items like activities, coloring books, treats or snacks, etc. We were able to make our baskets with things we found in the Target dollar bin (the dollar store is a great place to look too) and spent around $6 per bag. Leaving the bag is a secret. So knock on your friend’s door then get ready to run or drive away!

Bag is ready. Car is running. Ready to BOO and run!!
Do you BOO your friends? Do you have something you like to do for others in the Fall season?