Blessed by the Ministry of Young Life
Have you ever heard of the wonderful ministry called Young Life? I had heard of it, but did not understand its power and impact until I got involved first hand. In 2006, I transferred to Azusa Pacific University and wanted to get plugged in to some type of ministry. Young Life was the first one to catch my attention, but I did not really know what it was or how it worked. All I knew was that my mom had given her life to Jesus at a Young Life camp when she was young. So I thought that was more than enough reason to get involved. This one decision started an awesome and transformative journey that I am still on today. I was a volunteer leader in Chino Valley for five years. During those five years I spent a few months on staff working for the area. When I met my, Mike, (now my husband) in 2010, he was a Young Life leader too. It was a fun connection. I also got the privilege of going to camp with Mike’s area in 2011, as I was phasing out of my area as a leader. It was a nice transition to fill my love for Young Life and get a taste of a different area.
So what is Young Life? Young Life, started in 1941, is a non-profit ministry outreach organization that strives to provide ever kid the opportunity to know the love of Jesus Christ. This mission is accomplished by *going where young people are, *building personal relationships, *providing fun, adventurous and life changing experiences, *sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, *nurturing young people in their relationship with Christ, and *encouraging them to become active in their faith and in their church. Young life has CLUB (a weekly meeting with songs, games, fun, and a talk from a leader), CAMPAIGNERS (a volunteer leader led small group where the kids have the opportunity to go deeper into scripture), and CAMP (a weekend or week long experience of building relationships, tons of fun, and experiencing Jesus Christ). The team of Young Life is made up of staff members (the people in charge of managing, organizing, and just about everything that happens in the ministry), volunteer leaders (leaders on the front line in relationships with kids), volunteer committee members (adults who support the young life team behind the scenes), prayer teams (parents, committee members, and people in the community who see the impact of the ministry, and kids (kids who are seeking love, direction, and purpose).
When I moved up to the area I live in now, it was such a blessing to be able to have the community of Young Life around me. Mike and I joined the Ministry Planning Committee to help with some behind the scene stuff and be involved in the heart of the ministry. It is a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by people that want to serve the Lord, who have a heart for kids, and want to take part in the vision of an incredible organization. There are endless stories of peoples’ lives having been transformed. I wouldn’t be who I am today without my mom’s friend inviting her to a Young Life group on their campus many years ago.
It is a unique experience to invade the life of kids to reach them where they are. It shocks them, it breaks down walls, and it eventually creates lasting change. I now have the amazing opportunity to be on staff with young life. I am working with the Area Director to help with leadership development and reach out and disciple the female leaders. I spent a few months looking for a job when I moved to our new home, and I felt the Lord leading me to think more about going on staff with Young Life. Doors opened, my heart opened, and things started falling into place. I was a little apprehensive to jump back into a job where I would be raising support for my position, but I felt the peace and voice of the Lord encouraging me to trust Him, to step out in faith, and to keep moving forward. So I am now on staff, and I see the Lord doing amazing things in our area. I feel so blessed to be a part of it. God is doing so much, kids lives are being changed, and the community is being impacted. I just want to be a vessel for the Lord’s work and follow wherever he is leading me. And how cool that I get to do something I am passionate about (sharing my faith), combined with something that I studied (leadership), as I work for an amazing organization.
If you want to check out this awesome organization:
National Website:
El Dorado County Website:
My challenge to you is to think about what you are passionate about. Is there an area where you could serve, where you could give some extra time, or where you can get involved? Is it youth, seniors, adults, homeless, other countries, or single moms? Or have you been blessed financially and may have the opportunity to give to a certain ministry or opportunity? Or have you been called to pray for specific people or certain organizations? There are some incredible people serving and some extraordinary organizations out there. I believe in a powerful God. And I believe that He does things for a reason. He puts people into positions or gives them opportunities for specific reasons. And he puts things on our hearts for a reason. So its time to pay attention. It is time to listen to His voice. It is time to step out in faith. There are some amazing things going on in our communities, in our friends and families lives, and in some great organizations that we may be called to be a part of. God is doing big things. Don’t miss your chance to get in the game.
2 Corinthians 5:14-17 “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
If you want more information about what I am doing with Young Life, you can contact me by leaving me a comment on this post with your information or email me at