Best Uses for Coconut Oil
How do you use your coconut oil?? Here are some tips!
Pic from Huffington Post
- Conditioner:Whether applied at room temperature or heated up, letting your hair soak in coconut oil for a few hours will deep condition your hair, i.e. make it look and feel way healthier, as it’s rich with vitamin E, vitamin K, and iron.
- Anti-Frizz Potion:By lightly finger-combing it through your hair from the ears down, it can help tame frizz without making it look greasy—just keep it away from your roots.
- Shine Creator:While hair serums can be packed with silicone, unrefined coconut oil will give your hair a natural sheen.
- Cleaning Machine:As gross as it is to think about, the fact is our scalp and hair have a higher bacterial content than we’d like to acknowledge. Fortunately, coconut oil contains anti-fungal/antibacterial properties that make it serve as a protective barrier.
- As an incredibly intensive natural conditioner- Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours
Face/ skin
- Moisturizer:When applied on the face or body, coconut oil works as an all-natural moisturizer that replenishes the skin’s natural oils.
- Soothing Balm:Whether applied topically or ingested in precise amounts, it helps to minimize outbreaks and irritation.
- Anti-Aging Wonder:Filled with antioxidants that ward off free radicals, it’ll help slow the aging process while keeping your skin hydrated—making you soft, supple, and glowing.
- Highlighter:Once you’ve applied your makeup, use it as a cheek highlighter as it will enhance your skin’s natural pigments and reflect light.
- Excema
- Gets rid of cellulite
- Can help acne
- Mix with salt for dry skin on feet
- Whitener:Oil pulling, which is swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for several minutes, has been found to whiten teeth (Kylie Jenner is a believer).
- Decay Fighter:When it comes to appearance, it’s not just about the color of your teeth, but also their density over time. Because it’s antibacterial, it helps ward off the plaque buildup that causes tooth decay in the first place.
- Lip Moisturizer:Chapped lips are not a good look. Whether oil pulling or using it as a lip balm, coconut oil nourishes for a soft pout free of cracks and flakes.
- added to anything for energy
- support healthy thyroid
- mix with chia seeds for energy boost
- season cast iron skillets
- warm cup of tea for sore throat
Cleaning products:
- use in homemade soap for laundry
- natural spf 4 sunscreen
- with apple cider vinegar for lie treatment
- rub on inside of noise to alleviate allergy symptoms
- shaving cream
- reduce itch of mosquito bites
- ear infection healing. Rub in ears
- by itself is a natural deorderant
- Nursing moms often take 3-4 tablespoons a day (and Vitamin D) to increase milk supply and nutrients
- Helps improve insulin
- Isn’t stored as fat
- Can improve sleep
Any other ways you use coconut oil?? Let us know!