Being Disciplined About Discipline

    Now that there is a new baby in the mix it seems that my toddler has been testing me more and more. It is so hard to balance time between the two kids and feel that I am giving each of them the attention they deserve. That being said, it is difficult to stick to my resolve when she isn’t listening. I give her feedback or tell her that she can’t do something, and then a tantrum starts. Lately, this has been happening every time I need to change her diaper. She runs away or fights me when I pick her up. I want to just give up or yell or get angry, yet I found that if I just stick with what I know I need to do she is fine. I take her (kicking and screaming) to the changing table and put her down. As soon as I distract her or sing her a song, she calms right down and we get a new diaper. It isn’t always this easy. Just today she was having a tantrum about getting in her high chair for lunch. She wanted to eat some raisins, but I told her that she had to sit to eat. She started crying and I put her down. A few moments later she walked over to me and I picked her up. She asked again for raisins and without thinking about it I gave her some. My husband called me out and said, “Didn’t you tell her she had to sit if she wanted to eat?” BUSTED! It was hard to realize that I had made that mistake and even harder when I am alone during the week with the girls. My mom has been encouraging me to stand by what I say when I am disciplining. She told me it might be hard, but in the end it is better for both me and the kids. She said that kids need boundaries, and are happier and better behaved when they know the rules. I have to keep reminding myself that it won’t happen right away and I have to work at it every day.


What helps you discipline effectively?


  1. Kerry Weisser on June 24, 2013 at 10:29 am

    Boundaries help a child set up external controls that in time will be come internal controls that they will be able to manage on their own. Consistency in discipline is the number one rule-say what you mean and mean what you say and follow through every time. It is a challenge but sooo worth it. If the end result is daughters like the ones I have, it is worth it!!!!!