Balance vs. Busy
I often wonder if other parents think about how to balance “busyness” as much as I do. Do they wonder how to balance it all? Wanting free time to do whatever sounds good that day, endless days at Disneyland, with wanting to foster their kids’ passions and talents for extracurricular activities? I wonder.
There’s that part of me that knows the fun and enjoyment of sports and activities and music lessons, etc. I LOVED playing multiple sports and taking piano lessons. I want that for my kids.
The other part of me wonders how my parents ever did it?!!! Mine are little and some days I already feel like I’m just driving them around from one thing to the next.
I don’t have any answers, but I can share with you what our family is doing currently when it comes to extracurricular activities. Right now each kid has 1 activity that we pay for. My 3 yr old is in dance. My 5 and 6 year olds are in gymnastics. (All just for fun). The older girls take a free art class once a month at the library and we are also in Girl Scouts (I’m the leader). So far, we haven’t entered the world of sports or music lessons.

This little girl LOVES to dance!

We have so much fun learning with Girl Scouts!

Big sisters at gymnastics with their favorite little sis.
Here’s the other dilemma: they don’t all like the same things!! Do we nicely suggest that they all pick the same sport or activity just for ease even if it isn’t their passion or talent? Here comes the “mom guilt!”
I know at the end of the day what is most important is a family that fosters an environment that loves and honors God above all else. At the same time, I do think about how to find a balance in a world of fun possibilities for my kids.
Here are a few great articles I found that discuss this same issue!
Extracurricular activities – Enriching or Distracting
Finding the Balance with After-school Activities
How to set limits on After-school activities
I would love to hear your thoughts on how your family handles choosing extracurricular activities!!