Back to School Health Tips

School is back in session for our family which means less kids at home (YEAH!!), but more germs and yuck too (BOO!).

Here are my top 5 Back to School Health Tips:

  1. Snack Smarter

2. Use Essential Oils

We love Essential Oils and we are thrilled to share that the health + wellness company we’ve chosen to partner with has launched their own oils as the ideal compliment to our superfood nutrition!! With a vision to impact world health, expanding the product line just make sense. They’ve kept it simple with 6 single oils and 4 blends to support the nutritional rebalancing system and food our families eat EVERY DAY.

Oils are a great “tool” to keep in your healthy living toolkit because it is such a simple way to enhance the solutions we already get from our incredible food!! We’ve already been learning new simple ways to add oils to our routine. I’ve posted a few recipes below and keep a look out for more to come!

3. Boost Immunity

As a mom, I worry about protecting my kids’ immune health when they are back at school. Luckily, our nutrition makes it easy to give our immune system a boost and empowers me by making me feel like I am having a positive impact on their health. Every day, the girls get a scoop of immune boost in their shake, I spray their mouths with Isamune with zinc spray, and I diffuse lemon essential oil (with peppermint).

4. Get good sleep

We know getting a good night’s sleep is important and I do feel like school is one time that makes this easier. Of course, my kids are younger and not playing team sports yet, so we do make a point to have a good night time routine. I will admit that I’m not great at having a good night routine, but only because I feel like that is my ONLY alone time. (Any moms relate?!!) I do notice a huge difference when I take better care of myself at night so here are the things I’m doing: taking a relaxing aromatherapy shower at night, using lavender ESSENCE essential oil (with a carrier oil) to rub on my wrists and feet before bed, and I use a melatonin sleep spray that helps me sleep better.

5. Get organized

I’ve been spending the last couple days getting my calendar and our commitment organized. It feels really good to know what I can expect every day and to find time to fill in a few goals for myself every day. I think an important part of organization is to not OVER schedule. Sure, we might have the time for more, but if it isn’t serving your family or your goals and priorities, maybe the better choice is to say no!


As always, let us know in the comments or on social media if you use any of these tips.

Please tag us @growingweisser.


Many of the nutrition products and oils mentioned in this post are from our incredible health + wellness company. If you have any questions or want to know more please contact us!