Back to School Blues

Am I the only one suffering from the “Back to School Blues?”

I gotta be honest, the past few weeks of back to school have been ROUGH! Just one thing after the other, plus the stress of remembering to pack lunches, a separate snack, a water, not to mention drop off and pick up your child ON TIME. My head is spinning just thinking about how stressed I’ve been.

Luckily, I decided not to stress alone and had a wonderful coffee date with friends to vent and connect. Seriously, friends, DO NOT suffer alone. IN ANYTHING. From the little things, like stress over school, to big things–reach out, connect, ask for help!!!

That’s what we are here for too!

This blog is a place for us to connect with you and share what is going on in our lives in hope that we will motivate and inspire, connect, and let you know we are going through the ups and downs with you!

Here’s what I’ve decided – after this week, school will no longer rule my life.

I’m going to get a handle on getting and staying organized, catching up on emails, prioritizing our schedule, and taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Lots of prayer and my secret weapons for nutrition (simple way to get your greens–& SALADS WORTH of nutrition in one scoop) and stress. (Stress wreaks so much havoc on our bodies. We can’t always prevent stress, but we can work on how we respond to stressful situations and do something nutritionally to help our body fight the effects of stress!)

(Click the links for articles on my favorite superfood greens and adaptogens to combat the effects of stress–because STRESS HAPPENS!!)

I’m in the thick of this adjustment, now juggling a child in public Kindergarten, a child in homeschool TK, and another who wants to do everything just like her big sisters. So PLEASE share any tips you have to make mornings, school, and life less stressful!

First day of school with our kindergartener!
