Posts by Bethany Wilkes
Anniversary Shout out
Here’s shout out to my sisters, and all the girls in my wedding party. This day, and this moment could not have been any sweeter. I will remember it for my whole life. Anniversaries are a time to think about love, meaning of marriage, the fun wedding you had, and just how amazing the special people are in your life. So in honor of our blog, and my sisters, my bridesmaids, and my family… you NEED to watch this.
Aren’t they the best!!!!! Here’s to two years 🙂
Read MoreSpiritually Healthy
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What does it mean to be healthy? What kinds of things do you do to be healthy? We pour so much time and effort into healthy living, healthy eating, healthy habits, and healthy thinking. It takes intentional effort. It takes planned out thought. It takes discipline. It takes saying yes to certain things and no to others. In the moment you may be what you think might be sacrificing, but you are trying to make certain choices, change, and change your lifestyle because of the lasting benefit.
Some people call it dieting, others call it healthy living. But it is all the same thing. It all comes down to changing your actions to change the effect. What should really be focusing on is creating a healthy lifestyle. Because then it isn’t just a fad, the newest trend, or a temporary phase. A changed lifestyle lasts. When you first start a diet you usually cut things out or add things in. Have less dessert throughout the week, make healthier choices at meals, and control your portions. The more established those habits become, the more routine it becomes. It becomes second nature to make healthy choices. It becomes a part of who you are. Usually over time you prefer the good things rather than the instant pleasure of the not so healthy things. Your appetite changes. Your cravings change. And you change.
Often times faith and a spiritual life is seen as something that is regimented and monitored. You have to “do” all these things to feel close to God. There is a continual push to read your Bible, pray, and be surrounded by good people. And we say it is because you feel closer to the Lord through these things, you feel centered on the truth of God, …
Read MoreBaby Garrett and his Adventure Nursery
Our little bundle of joy arrived Thursday July 21, 2016 at 6:23am. It has been quite a whirlwind the past couple weeks but we are so blessed that he came early so we could spend even more time with him. We are loving every minute of it.
Decorating new rooms can be fun! I got the blessing of decorating my new baby boy’s room the last couple months and I loved how it turned out.
How to decorate a nursery
- Choose a theme or color combo.
- Buy the main pieces of furniture such as crib or changing table to set the stage
- Prioritize what you would like to buy, you probably won’t be able to buy everything exactly as you want. (furniture, sheets, decorations, glider, bookshelf, shelves, storage, dresser, closet storage, hamper, trashcan)
- Look for ideas on Pinterest
- Think of how you want to store things
- Ask a lady that is already a mom to come over to help think through what should go where
- Don’t be too set on exacts. Things may change. When your baby is here, things may need to be rearranged or in different spots.
- Register for something fun that you may not buy yourself
- Measure and know dimensions of things you are looking for
- Think through what you can make or craft if anything
- Start shopping! Or start looking on sale facebook groups!
Here’s how mine turned out
Lanterns from home depot. Homemade garland and wood planks.
Shelf from world market. Bins and wall decor from Target
Height ruler from Deeliteful Designs. Bins from Marshalls, Target, Homegoods
Teepee from Target
Read MorePB Banana Cookies
In honor of my friend who just had a baby who loves these cookies…
A great way to cook up some of your favorite vegetables is with a succotash twist. Enjoy this easy showstopper recipe with whatever meat you can grill up on your BBQ. Serve this up with some shredded BBQ chicken made in a crockpot-recipe coming next week…….
- 2 TBS coconut oil or olive oil (if you want a touch of coconut flavor, use coconut oil)
- ½ diced onion
- ½ diced bell pepper
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 TBS paprika
- 1 TBS tumeric
- ¼ cup cilantro
- 2 stalks of corn (corn cut off)
- 1 tomato
- 1 zuchinni
- 1 TBS cumin
- ¼ cup chicken broth
- ¼ cup parsley
- salt and pepper to taste
- Saute the onions, bell peppers, and garlic
- Add paprika, tumeric, and cilantro. Cook for 3 minutes
- Add the corn, tomato, zuchinni and cook for 5 minutes
- Add the cumin and chiken broth and bring to a boil
- Add the parsley, salt, and pepper at the end.
What is one of your favorite side dishes to serve at your summer BBQ?…
What do you know about the Fourth of July?
The Fourth of July is coming quickly upon us. Barbecues are being planned, fireworks are being purchased, and travel coordinating is in the works. It is time to celebrate! But how much do we really know about the holiday we are celebrating? Yes, I am sure we all know we are celebrating the independence, freedom, and birth of our country… but I am sure there is a little more to the story. So with a curious mind, I decided to do some research.
Historical Facts:…
Read MoreGreat summer dessert: Blonde Brownies
I love to bake. Growing up, we always had baked goods ready for guests and parties. Besides the famous “Weisser Cookies”, blonde brownies were the other favorite from the renowned Baby Bear Stew Cookbook, sold on our website. But for now, we will let you in on a Baby Bear Stew specialty. So here is another one of the family favorites.
Blonde Brownies
- ⅔ cup melted margarine
- 2¼ cup brown sugar
- 3 eggs
- 2¾ cup flour
- 2½ tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 cup chopped nuts (optional
- 1½ cup chocolate chips
- I love to bake. Growing up, we always had baked goods ready for guests and parties. Besides the famous "Weisser Cookies", blonde brownies were the other favorite from the renowned Baby Bear Stew Cookbook. (Baby Bear Stew will be sold here soon). But for now, we will let you in on a Baby Bear Stew specialty. So here is another one of the family favorites.
- Blonde Brownies
- photo 2
- Ingredients:
- /3 cup melted margarine
- /4 cup brown sugar
- eggs
- /4 cup flour
- /2 tsp baking powder
- /2 tsp salt
- cup chopped nuts (optional
- /2 cup chocolate chips
- Directions:
- Grease a 9x13 pan and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Melt the butter
- Mix the melted butter with the brown sugar
- Add the eggs
- Sift dry ingredients and add. Stir until well blended
- Add the chocolate chips and nuts.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes. Cut into squares like 1
- Bethany Signature48
Read More
Pure Joy!
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Joy. What does that mean to you? Is your first thought happiness? Or does it go beyond that to you? Is it based on circumstance, or is it a deep rooted foundation? Is it a feeling, or is it a state of being? Is it something you think about often, or is it a fleeting consideration?
I think the topic of joy is a wonderful, but sometimes overwhelming topic of discussion. To me, joy is so beyond just a situation or a feeling. It is a deep rooted place where you have an understanding of your purpose and pursuit in your life. It isn’t always evident on your face or in your actions, but it exudes in a peace of knowing that everything is going to be okay. And even if it doesn’t seem or look okay for a little bit, for me, I know there is a reason for everything. Whether that is to challenge me, grow me in a certain area, test my faith, or fill me up, I have a certainty in something bigger than just my happiness. Being happy is great, but that won’t last. Happiness is an emotion. It is a great one. But it’s hard to feel happy when you feel like your world is crashing down. But you can be filled with joy, even in times of sorrow or despair. Joy is a belief in restoration, in other people, in yourself.
Where does your joy come from? What fills you up? What gives you energy and leaves you feeling on top of the world?
At the root of it, my joy is from the Lord. But joy can be spurred on by other people, by encouraging words, by generosity, by love. But it isn’t only receiving in which I feel …
Read MoreGrocery Shopping Tips
Have you ever tried to figure out how to save more money grocery shopping, how to shop smarter, and how to be more efficient?? Enjoy this list and see how you can incorporate my tips into your own life!
- Buy Bulk Buy Bulk when you can. If you find something you use regularly on sale, buy it and store it. It will come in handy later. Canned goods, ingredients, certain foods cost much less when you buy larger quantities.
- Plan meals before you go, make a list Have a plan!
- Grow your own garden There are certain things that you can grow in your own backyard and it makes it totally worth it. Things such as tomatoes!
- Think of ways to revamp leftovers Be creative and try to use the food you have.
- Shop sale, Know what day your grocery ads come out
- Shop multiple stores (Make a route that makes sense with the time you have)
- Meal plan what is in season
- Look at the price per ounce or per unit
- Look at expiration dates
- Buy store brand
- Track your expenses
- Use the freezer
- Pack lunch
- Don’t shop hungry or rushed
- When running low write it down, Have a place where you always track groceries
Grocery Apps to Use
- Favado
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Favado is an app for your phone where you can look up your favorite items and find out where they are on sale. You can add the stores you shop at and even have the app notify you when certain things go on sale. It is the best price comparison app out there. Find the absolute best deals.
- Checkout51
Picture from
Checkout 51 is a mobile app that offers cash back for certain items purchased. Check out the weeks items, go to …
Read MoreBest Uses for Coconut Oil
How do you use your coconut oil?? Here are some tips!
Pic from Huffington Post
- Conditioner:Whether applied at room temperature or heated up, letting your hair soak in coconut oil for a few hours will deep condition your hair, i.e. make it look and feel way healthier, as it’s rich with vitamin E, vitamin K, and iron.
- Anti-Frizz Potion:By lightly finger-combing it through your hair from the ears down, it can help tame frizz without making it look greasy—just keep it away from your roots.
- Shine Creator:While hair serums can be packed with silicone, unrefined coconut oil will give your hair a natural sheen.
- Cleaning Machine:As gross as it is to think about, the fact is our scalp and hair have a higher bacterial content than we’d like to acknowledge. Fortunately, coconut oil contains anti-fungal/antibacterial properties that make it serve as a protective barrier.
- As an incredibly intensive natural conditioner- Rub into dry hair, put a shower cap on and leave for several hours
Face/ skin
- Moisturizer:When applied on the face or body, coconut oil works as an all-natural moisturizer that replenishes the skin’s natural oils.
- Soothing Balm:Whether applied topically or ingested in precise amounts, it helps to minimize outbreaks and irritation.
- Anti-Aging Wonder:Filled with antioxidants that ward off free radicals, it’ll help slow the aging process while keeping your skin hydrated—making you soft, supple, and glowing.
- Highlighter:Once you’ve applied your makeup, use it as a cheek highlighter as it will enhance your skin’s natural pigments and reflect light.
- Excema
- Gets rid of cellulite
- Can help acne
- Mix with salt for dry skin on feet
- Whitener:Oil pulling, which is swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for several minutes, has been found to whiten teeth (Kylie Jenner is a