Posts by Bethany Wilkes
Diapers Diapers and More
As a new mom, I feel like I have spent countless hours changing diapers, ALREADY! So today, I wanted to write a few things I have learned as necessities to changing diapers, and feature my sons changing table, which actually turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself!
I absolutely love my changing pad. Thanks to Iviebaby! @iviebaby. I found something to go with my theme and couldn’t resist!! I bought my changing table from a friend and the matching bins at Target. They fit perfectly. I put diapers, wipes, and burp rags in the bins. On my shelf I have some creams, diaper cream, toys, thermometer, tylenol, pacifiers, wipes. And of course I bought the jars at Target too. and pardon the overflowing trash… (that’s real life right??)
When Changing Diaper
- Put new diaper underneath
- Lift baby legs
- Cover (if you have a boy)
- Wipe front to back
- Have a diaper pail close by (empty regularly)
Necessities at Changing Table
- Changing pad
- Extra pad on top of changing pad (helps when things get messy)
- Diapers
- Easy access wipes (one-handed)
- Diaper cream (I like using coconut oil or lanolin)
- Toy to distract baby
- Extra trash can
Those first couple weeks are intense! Warnings to new moms, you probably will get peed, on pooped on, and feel like that is all you are doing. It gets better, well a little bit. But then its gets smellier… and we won’t go into blowouts… Good luck everyone!
P.S. More info on nursery to come
What are you looking forward to in the next year?
Happy New Year everyone!
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It’s time to make resolutions, wishes, dreams, goals, and live at least for a few days trying to achieve them. But take a few minutes to focus on the routines you have and the normalcy of your life. What can you look forward to within your already structure of life? Real life is about the everyday. Not just the vacation or the highlights. But what is your normal? And how can you look forward to those little moments. Get an extra second of a hug today. Actually make eye contact. Be still rather than look at your phone. Take a moment. Take it in. Breathe. And look forward to those small moments.
And live your new year within your already structured life.
What can you find in your routines and schedules to look forward to?
Prince of Peace
Christmas is here. The season is in full swing. Between all the decorating, baking, shopping, giving, partying, serving, wrapping, and Christmasing, it seems there is hardly a moment to breathe. The one word I would choose to describe my life right now… Busy. But I don’t want to be consumed with busyness. I love the Christmas season. I love getting together with people, the holiday cheer, the excitement sharing food, spending quality time, and spreading love. But how does Jesus fit into this busy feeling? Where is he in the chaos? How do we remember the baby in the manger amidst all the stuff? We put him FIRST. We orchestrate our life so Jesus isn’t just something we do, it’s the center of who we are. …
Read MoreWeisser Women Show Time
Us Weisser women do like to stay pretty busy and on the go… It may seem like we are always cooking or organizing or exercising or something… But we do enjoy a good show or movie to have some relaxing down time. So this week we are featuring what TV shows we are into these days! Check it out!
- The 100
- New Girl
- This is us
- Arrow
- Brooklyn99
- The Flash
- Madame Secretary
- Designated Survivor
What are you watching right now?
Read MoreWeisser Women Staying Fit! (What are we doing right now?)
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We love exercise, being outside, activity, using our bodies. I think its just in our DNA, a part of who we are. Growing up playing all sorts of sports gets a certain energy, motivation, and ability in your body that you just get used to moving. Not a day goes by that I don’t enjoy at least getting outside and going for a walk, if not pushing my body to a more extreme workout or activity. So what do we do? All sorts of stuff, but here is what we are doing right now:
- Hiking: 1-2 hours 5 or 6 days a week
- Zumba: One time a week
- Yoga: 3 hours a week
- Occasional gym workout 2-3 times a week for an hour, stair master, elliptical or treadmill and weights.
- Fit4Mom classes: (And did you guys know she is a Fit4Mom instructor? )Go Rach!
workouts from Fit Group on Facebook. It’s a free Facebook group for fitness and nutrition.
Push-up challenge- 100 per day.
2 diastasis programs – Breaking Muscle and “No More Mummy Tummy.”
Yoga every morning from Sarah Beth Yoga.
- Running: I love to run (as long as my time allows )
- Fitness Blender (You Tube Videos)
- Bikini Body guide by Kayla Istines- 3 times a week
- Running: 3-5 times a week (Prepregnancy it was usually 5 miles, during pregnancy usually around 3 miles, now I am lucky if I can get in 2 miles with the stroller and nap schedule)
- Workouts found on Pinterest or social media
- No More Mummy Tummy Core workout (when I remember)
- Stroller class- 4 times a week incorporated cardio, body weight exercises, resistance bands, core and more
- Piyo- combination of Pilates and yoga, 6 times a week , 2 months of a variety of
What are we reading right now?
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Us Weisser women love to read. We tend to all not have a ton of time to pick up books, so when we do, we want to make it count. We only have so much time. So we wanted to share what is currently on our nightstand and what we are filling our little bit of down time with.
- Currently reading: “Bad Girls of the Bible”- Liz Curtis Higgs
- Last book finished:
“The Treasure Principle”- Randy Alcorn“Becoming a Vessel God Can Use” -Donna Pattie
- Currently reading: “Present over Perfect”- Shauna Niequist & “The Cuckoo’s Calling”-J.K. Rowling
- Last book finished: “The Selection Series”- Kiera Cas
- Currently reading: “Voice in the Wind”- Francine Rivers
- Currently reading: “Power of Praying Wife”- Stormie Omartian & “Women of the Word”- Jen Wilkin
- Last book finished: “Selections Series”- Kiera Cass
- Currently reading: Pressing Pause 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus
- Last book finished: “Hope Unfolding”- Becky Thompson
WHAT ARE YOU READING? Share with us.
Read MoreThankfulness During
Happy November! It’s the season of thankfulness and gratitude. But are you really feeling like that? Are you living thankful? Or are you living with a to do list, a running clock, and a schedule on the brain. Most of us are, but the incredible thing is these two things can exist together. We can be thankful amidst our to do list. We jus have to choose to do so. And often it’s just a different attitude. I’ve read books about thankfulness tha are always encouraging, but ultimately it’s about my choice. It’s how I wake up in the mornings. It’s how I choose to think. It’s the words I choose to speak. It’s in the way I love my husband. It’s in the way I cook dinner or run errands. It’s in the way I try to get my 3 month old to nap. It’s in the way I see myself. Am I truly thankful? Does my life reflect that?
Take today to focus on thankfulness. Think about what is easy to be thankful for. Think about what is hard to be thankful for. And then find those small moments that you can choose thankfulness amidst the circumstance. The more you are filled with gratitude the more you are filled with love.
So don’t just be thankful when it’s convenient. be thankful when it’s hard. Be thankful when it doesn’t make sense. Because choosing to be thankful in the not so convenient times will change your attitude about a lot of other things. It’s an upside down perspective. Of course you can be thankful for family and friends. But can you be thankful for that fifth diaper you’ve changed, that kid that doesn’t want to go to sleep, the burnt toast, or the extra stoplight? It …
Read MoreLive in the Moment
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Is there an “AHA moment” in life? The past few days I have been asking myself over and over “what is my dream?” “what are my hopes?”… People have been asking me- “If you could do anything what would you do… If you could be anything what could you be… If you could create your dream job, what would it be? Your dream house? Your dream location?… I struggle with this… The one dream. The EVERYTHING.…
Read MoreMarriage is a Priority
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Think about the day you walked down the aisle and embarked on the journey of marriage. I bet you can remember the feeling of butterflies in your stomach mixed with excitement, energy and anticipation. That day is embedded into your memory. The person that stood before you that day is the same person with whom today you spend your hardest moments, your best moments, and your most challenging moments. Are those passionate and excited feelings and emotions still there? Maybe they are, which is awesome to live in your relationship that way. But maybe you have hit a rut. Life’s busy, you are tired, kids become your focus, and your spouse gets the leftovers of each day. Of course, every day is not going to be your wedding. Life changes a whole lot from that blissful day. But you don’t just want to coast through life and just let things happen around you. You can choose to wake up every day stoked to see what the day may bring you. Choose to be excited for life together.
As a couple, you can receive the gift of love, embrace the moment, and experience life to the fullest. And that is just it. Marriage is a gift. It is an experience. It is a journey. We aren’t supposed to have it all figured out, but we are in it together. On the way home my husband and I were thinking back to when we were single. We can’t even imagine life that way anymore. We are so thankful for each other. We are so thankful we can do life together. But do I show my love for him all the time? Do I make my husband feel encouraged, empowered, respected, and supported? Unfortunately, not all the time. I know …
Read MoreOverload? Reorganize your Thinking
Do you sometimes feel like this??? Our brains are flooded with thoughts, ideas, emotions, stress, tasks, details, and responsibilities. Most of the time we feel like we are on overload. Brain overload is a real thing. And I think I suffer from this disease. I am realizing I need to figure out how to energize my brains to help it function, but also how to relax my brain. If my brain is constantly firing on all cylinders, trying to do five million things at once, I will not be able to function at maximum capacity. And I cannot continue to try to live this way. So here are some tips I have been thinking through and trying to incorporate into my own life.
How to keep your brain at full productivity:
1. Find some time to let your brain rest
2. Find ways you like to recharge (Read, listen to music, pray, exercise, spend time with people)
3. De-clutter your life
4. Turn off your phone
5. Pay attention to when you are able to be most productive
6. Find your routines.
7. Record things so you remember them. Record what works for you. What doesn’t work for you. Record the process of how you got from here to there.
8. Focus on blessings. Think about what you are thankful for.