Posts by Bethany Wilkes
Real Relationships through Tangible Connection
Do you find yourself connecting with people through looking at your social media feeds?? This may be a way to know about their life, to see what they are up to, but its not real connectedness. It almost feels like an empty connection. It is a awareness without the heart and soul connection. We were created for relationships, togetherness, and real relationships.
When was the last time you shared a coffee with someone, went on a walk with a friend, had a real conversation. Or are you stuck knowing people through the phone or internet? It is hard. We are all busy doing different responsibilities, activities with our families, theres not much room. But we can make space. Make it a priority to spend time face to face with people. Do an activity together, go shopping, run errands together, pick up kids together, invite people into your home.
In the book Craving Connection, the authors invite you to
- “Embrace the desire God has given each of us for connection
- Invest in meaningful relationships, right where God has you
- Become the friend you wish you had
Summertime, Outdoors, and Trying New Things
Summer is the perfect time to explore, try new things, get outdoors, and discover the world around you! What have you been putting off all year that you can try later? Have you been wondering what that new store is, where that new trail leads, or what that fun event entails? Take some time to plan out one or two new things a week to try on your own, try with your kids, try with your spouse. It can’t be that hard to plan one new thing a week right? Set a goal for yourself, grab a calendar, and start creating a plan.
My husband is off for the summer so I have been trying to think of one fun and new thing to try a week that we can do with our curious little boy. Some of the ideas we have thought of are zoo, train, new gym class, swim class, get new bubbles. He isn’t walking yet so it is a little limiting because he loves exploring but can’t crawl around everywhere we go.
More extensive list of things to try
- zoo
- train
- new park
- splash pad
- slip and slide
- sprinkler party
- homemade ice cream or popsicles
- hike
- boat ride
- read new book
- listen to new music
- build forts
- museum
- start a playgroup
- invite people over for popsicles and water
- water balloons
- beach
- bake with your kids
- design t-shirts
- take a trip just for fun
- find fun things at the dollar store
- give your kids $5 a month to spend at target
- make an activity jar for when your kids are “bored”
- paint rocks
- go berry or fruit picking
- concert in the park
- movie in the park
- geocaching
- farmers market
Just get outside! And don’t forget the sunscreen
Do you have any ideas to add? Please share!
Read MoreMeals of Love
Have you ever received a meal from someone at just the right time? Often people will bring you meals when you are sick, have a baby, experience a loss, go through a trial, etc. Being blessed with meals is an incredible thing! I am now three months out from having a baby, and those first few weeks were bliss when I had meals coming every couple days. That is why I love being able to take meals to other new mamas!
Meals of Love Ideas
- BBQ chicken salad
- BBQ chicken corn bread and potatoes
- Enchiladas
- Stuffed Peppers
- Ground Turkey Mediterranean Rice Bowl
- BBQ chicken sandwiches
- Fish salad and bread
- Build your own taco salad
- Tacos
- Chipotle
- Mexican Restaurant Pick up
- Beef Brisket Rice and Edamame
- Soups
- Pasta Bakes
- Any takeout!
Meals of Love Websites
What do you like to take to friends or family when you are taking them a meal?
Doing Life Together
We were all created to do life together. But as moms, especially, we need each other. We need each other for support, love, care, carpool, extra wipes, play dates, errand help, and on and on. We need a helping hand, an arm around us, a coffee date. We are all in it together. We may not have the same story or the same struggle, but I guarantee you there is common threads. Motherhood is the real deal. And it isn’t easy. Naps may be isolating. Sleep may be scarce. Showering may be on the bottom of your to do list. But friends and community are a necessity. So let others be in your life and be in others lives.
We all want to be seen, and known. So find those people with whom you can let you hair down, with whom you can cry, with whom you can be in the struggle. Find your tribe. And hold on to those people. Cherish them. Their can be seasons of friendships but hold them in your heart and let them know how special they are. When was the last time someone told you how important you were to them? Have you told someone lately how special they are to you?
What we don’t need as moms is the competition, comparison, the games we play, the negative self talk. So don’t get stuck. Don’t think you are better than or less than someone because you do something different, or have different hobbies, or get less or more done. You are you. And you do you. Be who you are. Be the best version of you. Don’t try to be someone else because I guarantee you you will be a lesser version of them. That is why we were all created unique. So we …
Read MoreLessons I’ve Learned… Freedom I’ve Gained
One of the things I have learned as a mom in my 9 months, is to be consistent but not controlling. The picture above doesn’t apply to me yet, but I know it may in the future. So whatever stage you are in, think of where you can let go of a little control, but stay consistent. There are so many things as a pre-mom that you think, oh I would never do that, or I don’t like that, and on and on and on… But you know what,Sometimes you don’t understand until you are in the thick of it. Sometimes things don’t go your way. Sometimes things turn out completely different than you expected. And guess what, that is okay! We are not perfect. We are going to mess up. There are going to be days, hours, minutes, weeks that we don’t think we can get through it. But we can. The little humans we are raising aren’t perfect, but guess what, we aren’t either. And two imperfect people don’t make a perfect person. So there has to be some give, some wiggle room, some space to figure it out. Now that doesn’t mean try something for a day and give up. Choose things, be consistent, but don’t hold on so tightly that you aren’t willing to change. Kids growth and development and stages come in seasons. Seasons can be short, seasons can be long. Don’t necessarily let your kid dictate, but understand the season they may be in. You are still the parent, they are the kid But guide and direct them in love. Don’t just control. Be free to live and learn alongside them.
My kid crawls around naked half the time, pulls things out of every drawer in the kitchen, loves to open and close …
Read MoreMom’s working it out or walking it out
The life of a mom can be crazy! But that doesn’t mean mom has to cut out everything she likes to do just because of the chaotic plans. There are ways to squeeze it in, make it work, or make a routine. For some moms it may be reading, a craft, a bath, sitting down to eat. But I would encourage all you moms, move your body somehow, some way, its good for you! For me, I enjoy the time I get to workout. Some days its short, other days I have more time. Some days I am interrupted by a short nap, other days I actually get a shower. But whatever it is, for me, its good for me to be able to get in some sort of active movement. So whatever it is for you, a walk, yoga, HIIT, Strength training, its good for us mamas to get moving!
What are the benefits of exercise
- Heart healthy
- Boosts seratonin
- Gets your body moving
- Can get you outside
- alleviate anxiety
- sharpen memory
- Actually get more energy
- Sleep better
- Increases strength and flexibility
- Increase self confidence
- Reduce sickness
- Discipline
- Creativity
Benefits for a mom exercising
- Sets example for kiddos to be active
- Get some YOU time
- Kids see that mom is important too
- Relieves stress of kids
- End up having more energy for your family
- Meet people, make new friends at a class
Exercise while pregnant
- Lower blood pressure
- Easier recovery post delivery
- Helps with strength during delivery
- Fights fatigue
- Ease soreness
- Good for babies brains
Don’t have a gym? Get outside.
Don’t like to do things on your own? Call a freind to take a walk. Find a Fit4mom class.
Kids are busy and want to play? Make the park your workout. Do squats while making some food.
It’s …
Read MoreMom’s don’t need to plan Mother’s Day
Almost mom, Super mom “Gammie”, Grammie Rozie “GGR”, New mom
Do you find yourself wondering if your husband, kids, or family Will be planning something for Mother’s Day? Well do not fear, just send this link to your husband and it’s a foolproof way to get him some help with the day and take the work for the mom out of it. So here’s some ideas to get you thinking.
Morning Activity
- Breakfast in Bed
- Coffee that mom doesn’t have to make
- When you run out to get coffee, grab some flowers
- Have the kids have a competition to see who can get ready the quickest for church
- Let mom have some quiet time with coffee all on her own
- Let mom get ready uninterrupted
- Put food in the crockpot for dinner
Afternoon Activity
- Picnic (pick up to go food at your local grocery store or quick restaurant)
- Hike (make sure you have all necessary sunscreen/water bottles/ bags/ shoes)
- Let mom go get a pedicure, nails done, frozen yogurt, coffee, massage a silent outing for an hour
- Scavenger hunt with clues to her favorite places (older kids help out)
- Day trip to a special place, trip down memory lane, creative destination
- Plant something with the kids in the garden
- Let mom go on a girls outing if she wants to
- Clean the house while shes gone
- Take mom shopping with no complaining from kids
- Dad take the pictures to document the day (usually its the mom pulling out the phone and pulling teeth to get everyone together in a selfie)
Night Activity
- Make dinner, pick up dinner out, serve dinner from the crock pot
- Dad Puts the kids to bed
- Let mom take a bath
- Do the dishes
- Get a babysitter and take mom out on a date, movie, dessert,
Your Essential Self
I am currently reading a book by Shauna Niequest, her newest book Present over Perfect. In the chapter titled “Baptism” she talks about your essential self. She says “I thought midlife season would be about pushing into a new future… and it is. I thought it would be about leaving behind the expectations and encumbrances of the past. It is. What I didn’t know is that it would feel so much like recovering an essential self, not like discovering a new one. Hold close to your essential self.” This has really been resonating with me lately because becoming a mom, I feel like I am supposed to be this completely different person, have it all put together, and have everything figured out. I feel like I am supposed to be this super mom, discover a new person, and come into this new persona.
But what I am really called to be is me. I feel like I have been recovering the person God created me to be through motherhood. It doesn’t have to look like all the other moms I see. It doesn’t have to look like the book I read about parenting. It just has to be me. As I take hold of this role, I want to recover the free, spirited, positive, loving, and open minded person I have always been. I don’t want to be tainted or wrecked by the world around me. I don’t want to get stuck in perfectionism or comparison. I just want to be me. So as I read this chapter, I realize growing up is about becoming more self aware. It is about embracing even more who God created me to be. Not discovering a new self. I am who I am and God created me as I am for a …
Read MoreRefreshing
Are you thirsty? Do you feel like your thirst is never quenched? Do you feel an ongoing need for hydration? Are we every fully satisfied?
Water is essential to our lives. I am sure you already know we cannot survive without it. But did you know our bodies are made of 50-70% water? Water is vital as it dissolves substances, carries nutrients, transports oxygen, aids other organs, regulates body temperature, sends electrical messages, helps digestion, and many other essential functions. And not only is our body made of water, we have to continually put water in to continue replenishing what we use and lose. So we never arrive and have a sufficient and lasting amount of water. We always need more and more. How people get water into their body can look a little different, but the base has to be water. Water in its purest form is the best. But you can get small amounts of waters from teas, fruits, vegetables, and other foods. But that doesn’t replace the need for just pure water.
We always think of drinking water once we get thirsty, but what we forget is it is much more beneficial to hydrate yourself consistently. When competing or exercising, the process of drinking water should happen way before you even start. Water improves performance from the beginning. Once you feel thirsty, it has already gone too far. Your body is then in survival mode. Water needs to be an every day, all the time, without even thinking, choice.
Now some of you may see where I am going, but can’t we look at this and compare it to our lives as believers. To be truly refreshed, we need to saturate ourself in the love of Jesus, the word of God, the community of believers, the blessing …
Read MoreWhat Easter is really all about
Easter has become all about the Easter Bunny, the egg hunt, baskets, and the new outfit. But we can bring Jesus into all of that. There are ways to incorporate the real story of Jesus into the eggs, the fun, the candy, and the whole day.
Easter Story: Talk about the Easter Story, Passover, Palm Sunday, Lent, Good Friday, and Resurrection Day. Celebrate the day, possibly have a passover meal
Decorating Eggs: Resurrection Eggs
Egg Hunt:
- Use the resurrection eggs. Have different prizes for different eggs
- Hide clues in the eggs and the kids have to answer the question to get the prize
- Egg a friends house
Easter Basket:
- Easter kid books:
- New Bible
- Cross Necklace
- Bible verse cards
- Make a jelly bean bag and attach this poem:
RED is for the blood He gave.
GREEN is for the grass He made.
YELLOW is for the sun so bright.
ORANGE is for the edge of night.
BLACK is for the sins we made.
WHITE is for the grace he gave.
PURPLE is for His hour of sorrow.
PINK is for our new tomorrow.
A bag full of jelly beans colorful and sweet,
Is a prayer, is a promise, is a special treat.
- Make chocolate covered pretzel cross
- Resurrection rolls Recipe
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