Posts by Bethany Wilkes
Life is messy
My past few weeks have been filled with alot of dirt. My two year old son’s favorite place is covering himself in dirt… Whether we are at the park, the baseball field, at home… he sits in it, pours it on himself, puts all his tractors in it, eats it, and throws it (we are trying to kick that habit). He could sit for hours and be having the time of his life. I keep telling myself that he’s just getting ready for baseball… But all in all I could be pretty stressed out or spend all my time trying to keep him clean. But I have realized, I have to let him be who he is and part of that is expressing himself through his love of dirt, tractors, and everything dirty. I can’t focus on the excessive loads of laundry I am doing weekly or how I have to figure out how to give him a bath with a newborn or how we don’t make it through a whole day in the same outfit (usually half the day is spent in just a diaper). What I can focus on is his joy, his exploring, and him just being a BOY! I don’t want to live my life stifling the boy he wants to be because I want him to be a certain way. And I want to enjoy life with him. Seeing life through the eyes of a child is such a gift! Take it in my friends. Today is a gift. And time flies. Now that we have two kids, I barely blink and she is already 2 months. I realized this the other day as I was doing dishes that I needed to stop and just be in the giggles and the joy of the moment …
Read MoreFavorite Go To Meals Right Now
Dinner prep time gets crazy around my house! I only have one kid. But I usually find myself like this
or feeding him some type of snack so that I can actually get dinner on the table at a decent time. So I have been trying to think of and plan some easy go to meals that I can prep ahead of time or not have to even look at a recipe.. Even though most of the time I look up something! I also know spring and summer is crazy time for sports and school ending and vacations… so we all need some ideas of how to make dinner a win!
- Barbecue- Who doesn’t love a good old barbecued meat that you can add some sides to. Thank you husband for manning the grill
- Roasted Vegetables- oil them, season them and throw them in the oven
- Quinoa or Tabbouleh- add some veggies and dressing and perfection
- Mexican- can’t go wrong with some ground turkey or crock pot chicken and all the fixings
- Crock pot chicken- so many options
- Salad- Add some meat for a full meal, do a green salad with veggies, some fruit and nuts for an extra flair,
- Omelets- a great go to for last minute!
- Breakfast for dinner
- Pizza- Trader Joe’s dough and some toppings galore
- Turkey burgers
Trader Joes Favorites:
- Masala burgers
- frozen pizza
- Chili lime burgers
- Orange chicken with stir fry veggies
Here are some recipes of our favorite go to meals:
wow enchilada casserole: A Growing Weisser Favorite!
Ground Turkey Mediterranean Salad
What are your go to meals in times that are really busy?
Our Favorite Phone Apps
Is your phone a crazy tetris puzzle of different applications and notifications? Or are they organized and easy to find? Regardless of what kind of phone you have or how full your storage may be, we thought it would be fun to take a little time to let you know what some of our favorites are! So if you need to try anything new or consolidate some of yours… let’s take a look. Of course, we all use FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM because those are just the go to’s.
- iBooks
- Disneyland app- Which one of us do you think goes to Disney alot? 🙂
- Storybots
- Cartwheel
- Podcasts
- BabyNursing
- Amazon
- Target App’s Cartwheel
- Pandora
- Spotify
- Focus on the Family- GREAT PODCASTS
- FitBit
- Shopping Apps for Mobile Coupons – Sprouts, Joann, Michaels, Hobby Lobby
- Nike+ Training- GREAT WORKOUT APP
- Spotify
- Picstitch- PIC COLLAGES!
- Remote (for Apple Tv)
- Target
- Amazon
- Groupon
- AccuWeather
- Holy bible (Youversion)
- Focus on the Family Daily broadcast
- Family Life today
- Jesus Calling
- KP-Kaiser or any healthcare app. SUPER CONVENIENT
- Fandango
- Zulily
- Cartwheel
- Safeway
- Trip advisor
Any new ones you want to try??
Read MoreWhat’s on your heart?
As Easter is right around the corner, I just want you to take a few moments to think about what is on your heart. What is your focus? What do you think about when you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning? Is your soul filled? Is your spirit refreshed? Are you peaceful, or are you bombarded with the tasks of your day?
Regardless of your circumstances or the busyness of your day, take a few moments to be still. Be present. Reflect. Sit in that moment. Who are you today? Where have you come from? How have you grown? How has God walked with you through your mountains and valleys? How has he carried you?
Take some time to be filled with Jesus. The Holy Spirit is your guide and your teacher, your friend and your guide. Are you bogged down with self doubt and insecurity? Take those nasty thoughts captive and give yourself over to truth. There is truth. There is goodness. There is grace. It is all in Jesus. He has created you just as you are, with strength, with joy, with confidence. How can you really live in that experience? Are you able to see Him? If you have surrendered your life to Him, He is in you, walking with you, carrying you. You just have to pay attention, recognize, reflect.
If you are looking for a little extra reading this Easter, take some time to dive into this DESIRING GOD devotional. You won’t regret it.
Read MoreBecome a Better You
Sometimes the thought of learning or changing one more thing is overwhelming, but growth, maturing, changing can be a really important part of the process of life. We can always been gaining more information, different perspectives, insight, advice in so many things in our lives. There is nothing wrong with seeing something around you and wanting to grow or move more towards that. You just have to keep it in check. Is that desire something tangible, doable, and good for you, or are you stuck comparing yourself to someone else? So keep your growth in check so you can grow to become a better you, not become someone else. You are the best you you can be. That doesn’t mean you are done where you are today, but do the best you can for each day, and you will continue to grow and become more excellent in who you are.
What are some fun ways to grow?
- What is your trade? Read books and articles in that field
- Focus on what you are thankful for and the good things
- Listen to podcasts
- Teach your kids about something new (you may learn from it too)
- Talk to people, become good at asking questions
- Be a good listener
- Set goals and intentions
This past weekend I got to go to a Fit4mom Training to grow in my group fitness instruction skills. I loved the time I got to spend with my team, and the things I learned. I never want to stop learning and growing to become a better teacher and leader in Fit4mom.
All in all, just pick one or two things that you can focus on, and watch yourself grow. Feel the change happening by taking a little more focus and intention. And write things down so you can reflect …
Read MoreSpiritually Fit
What does it mean to be healthy? What kinds of things do you do to be healthy? We pour so much time and effort into healthy living, healthy eating, healthy habits, and healthy thinking. It takes intentional effort. It takes planned out thought. It takes discipline. It takes saying yes to certain things and no to others. In the moment you may be what you think might be sacrificing, but you are trying to make certain choices, change, and change your lifestyle because of the lasting benefit. Health is such a focus of the new year, but let’s look into it from a different perspective.
Some people call it dieting, others call it healthy living. But it is all the same thing. It all comes down to changing your actions to change the effect. What should really be focusing on is creating a healthy lifestyle. Because then it isn’t just a fad, the newest trend, or a temporary phase. A changed lifestyle lasts. When you first start a diet you usually cut things out or add things in. Have less dessert throughout the week, make healthier choices at meals, and control your portions. The more established those habits become, the more routine it becomes. It becomes second nature to make healthy choices. It becomes a part of who you are. Usually over time you prefer the good things rather than the instant pleasure of the not so healthy things. Your appetite changes. Your cravings change. And you change.
Often times faith and a spiritual life is seen as something that is regimented and monitored. You have to “do” all these things to feel close to God. There is a continual push to read your Bible, pray, and be surrounded by good people. And we say it is because you …
Read MoreSimple Ways to Connect
Do you find a whole week goes by and you haven’t found one moment for yourself, you feel like you have accomplished nothing, or you don’t remember what you did in the week? As the new year has begun, I have been trying to think of simple ways I can connect. Ways I can connect to God, to myself, to my husband, to my boy, and with the world around me. As I have reflected the ways I want to grow, I have discovered some simple ways that can ground me, keep me connected, and make me feel more fulfilled.
Connecting with God
- Prayer- I really like when I make intentional effort to pray at specific times or for specific things. It helps me remember and is something consistent. Like when I drive I can pray for my community. When I get ready in the morning I can pray for my family. When I serve food we can always pray before a meal. When I get ready for bed I can thank God for where I saw him that day
- Time in Scripture- It is so easy for whole days to pass by and I totally forget to even think about God. Great things I have found are the
- First 5 App
- If Gathering App
- She Reads truth App
- The Bible App
- Worship Music- A great way to get in touch with the Lord through song, worship, praise. Listen to the words
- Podcasts- Find your favorite pastors or favorite churches podcasts. Listen while you drive, walk, run, do dishes, etc.
Connecting with Yourself:
- What do you like to do? Think of one thing you can do a week for yourself
- Journal
- Focus on being thankful: I used a thankfulness journal for years and loved it
- 5 minutes a day book:
The name of Jesus: PRINCE OF PEACE
Jesus has another name, PRINCE OF PEACE! This name can be self explanatory, the prince of the king, who brings peace to the world. But let’s dig in a little bit. Sarah Young, in her book ¨Jesus Lives explains Prince of peace through this devotional by writing to us from the PRINCE OF PEACE.
I am the Lord of Peace, the only source of genuine peace. I give you this gift, not as something separate from Myself, but as part of My core essence. As you open your heart and mind to Me, My peace is present- readily available to you. However, this glorious gift is not somethign you can grab on the run. You need to take time to focus on Me and enjoy My presence, putting everything else aside for awhile.
You live in the midst of intense spiritual battles, and My Peace is an essential part of the armor I provide for you. To stay on your feet during combat, you need to wear sturdy warfare boots- the Gospel of Peace. This good news assures you that I love you and I am for you: I am on your side.
Many of My followers forfeit Peace because they view Me as someone who is constantly scrutinizing their lives- peering at them through critical eyes. On the contrary, I gaze at you through eyes of perfect Love. When you are feeling like a failure, talk to yourself and tell yourself the truth: My death on the cross covers all your sins. I love you regardless of how well or poorly you perform- simply because you are Mine. Rejoice in this Gospel-Peace; it is yours to enjoy at all times and in every way.
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times …
Read MoreThe Name of Jesus: SAVIOR
What’s in a name? In the Bible, names are very important. So looking at the names of Jesus can bring an amazing picture of the character and different roles of Jesus.
Who is Jesus? Why did he come to earth? How can we have a greater understanding of the saving grace and purpose of Jesus.
Jesus as Savior means Salvation. John 4:42 says, “They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
In the devotional Jesus Lives, by Sarah Young, an excerpt on Hope, which is written from Jesus to YOU, states:
I am your Risen, Living Savior! Through my resurrection you have been born again to an ever-living hope. It is vital for you to remain hopeful, no matter what is going on in your life. People put their hope in a variety of things- wealth, power, health, medical treatments- but these are all insufficient. When storms break upon your life, you can find only one adequate source of help-ME! The hope I provide is an anchor for your soul, firm and secure in the midst of tempestuous waters. A good way to reamin anchored in Me is to whisper as often as needed: “Jesus, You are my Hope”. This affirmation strengthens you and keeps you connected to me.
I am constantly working to transofrm your life. You need My help continually to keep your hope alive. I stand ready to help you at all times- during stormy episodes as well as times of smooth sailing. I am not only ever-living but also more abundatly alive than you can possibly imagine. There are no limites to what My great Power and Glory can …
Read MoreGreat is Thy Faithfulness
How great is our God? Do you see Him as the great God he is? Or do you put other things on the throne of you hear in His place? Thankfulness, the attitude of the heart, helps you reflect and resonate on God’s faithfulness because you focus on what God has done, where God has been in your life, and the worship of the true God.
The pilgrims, on their journey “in lean times as well as relatively plentiful—they gathered for prayer, meditation, the singing of hymns, and a sermon. It was their regular practice to stop and give thanks to God at the outset of each week. They did this despite hardships and heartache, and their faithfulness is a bright example for how we are to honor the Lord with our thanks in every season. ”
Are you able to reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness despite the current circumstance you are in? What do you do to center your heart and reflect on what God has done in your life? He is GREAT. He is WORKING. And he LOVES you.
Spend some time thinking about what God has done in your life and thank Him for it. Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving for His faithfulness:
“Father, You have been so faithful to me over the course of my life, showing Your care and provision time and again. I’m so grateful for the way You have walked with me, sustained me, encouraged me, strengthened me, comforted me, and loved me in every season. Thank You!” (excerpts from Revive our Hearts: Gratitude Challenge)
Discover the you God created you to be. And see His fingerprints throughout your life. And thank Him for the path you have been on and the fact the GOD has been walking with you. Even when …
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