Posts by Bethany Wilkes
Nature Hike Crafts
In most places, October is the perfect time to take a walk, hike, or stroll through the beautiful outdoors. Whether you live near the mountains, in a city, near a beach, or in suburbia, there is hopefully something you can enjoy about this season. Harvest. Autumn. Fall. The weather may be that perfect in between temperature. The sun may be starting to come out a little earlier. The leaves may be changing. It is a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy creation.…
Read MoreThe Importance of Feelings
Getting to do the family wisdom post this week made me think. Family is SO wonderful. But why am I sometimes the worst person around the people I love the most, and the people who love me most? …
Read MoreBlessed by the Ministry of Young Life
Have you ever heard of the wonderful ministry called Young Life? I had heard of it, but did not understand its power and impact until I got involved first hand. In 2006, I transferred to Azusa Pacific University and wanted to get plugged in to some type of ministry. Young Life was the first one to catch my attention,…
Read MoreThe “I’m Never Hungry For Dinner” Kind of Salsa
Chips and salsa… weakness. A good salsa is the perfect way to start a meal. But some of the meals just want to end with chips and salsa, because I just can’t stop eating them. Chips just become a vehicle at that point to get more of the amazing salsa. So chip after chip, it seems I can never get enough. …
Read MoreDisplaying LOVE with Creativity
My first anniversary was this past Sunday, so I thought it would be fitting to talk about a craft that I did for my husband. I can’t believe I have already been married a year. …
Read MoreOur Mom
Our moms teach us so much, they speak into our lives more than we even imagine, and they uplift us. Even if it isn’t your own mom, hopefully you have a mother figure in your life that speaks wisdom, hope, and encouragement to you. Think of that person in your life and how they have influenced you.
Our mom is seriously supermom. …
Read MoreLiving Life
How do you live your life? Are you living for today? Are you stuck in the past? Are you planning for the future? Why not just take one step.
I was reading this week a book by my one of my favorite authors Shauna Niequist. The chapter was amazing. She said, “If you take the next right step, if you live a life of radical and honest prayer, if you allow yourself to be led by God’s Spirit, no matter how far from home and familiarity it takes you, you won’t have to worry about what you want to be when you grow up. You’ll be too busy living a life of passion and daring… (p. 124) you just have to take one step, and that when you do, the next one will appear. I tell them the path doesn’t have to be a straight line, and that often it only makes sense when you look back at it” (p.125) (Shauna Niequist, Bread and Wine)
I am always trying to have the perfect plan.…
Read MoreSpiritually Healthy
What does it mean to be healthy? What kinds of things do you do to be healthy? We pour so much time and effort into healthy living, healthy eating, healthy habits, and healthy thinking. It takes intentional effort. It takes planned out thought. It takes discipline. It takes saying yes to certain things and no to others. In the moment you may be what you think might be sacrificing, but you are trying to make certain choices, change, and change your lifestyle because of the lasting benefit.…
Read MoreBanana Peanut Butter Cookies
Canvas Crafting
What better way to brighten your day then a craft that encourages, inspires, and energizes you. The one great thing about canvases… You can do whatever you want! Whether it is paint, glue, draw, sketch, the options are endless. Not only do canvases let you create and dream, they give you a masterpiece. So as we draw, dream, design, we are moving to an end goal of what we want the end to be. And the canvas is our drawing board to be inspired and inspire others.
One way I use a canvas to inspire others is painting a verse or quote on the canvas and giving it as a gift.…
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