Posts by Bethany Wilkes
Continue in Thankfulness!
Continue in thankfulness after Thanksgiving!
It is very easy to go about our lives not even thinking of how blessed we are. It’s one thing to the next to the next. Our minds are filled, our lives are filled, our stomachs are filled, and our schedules are filled. We don’t understand what it really means to be in need. Which I think really affects our ability to be grateful and give thanks. We live in a culture filled with entitlement and survival mode and excess. But… it is the month of thankfulness, so maybe we are paying a little bit more attention to being thankful, but I am almost sure there is some room to grow. So it’s time to take a look…
What were you thankful for today, this past week, this past week? And not just what, but who are you thankful for? How does that thankfulness impact you, and what does it compel you to do? Do you say thanks? Do you return the favor? Do you pay it forward? Do you live blessed?
I received a letter in the mail (REAL MAIL, not email) a few days ago from a friend telling me how thankful she is for me. She said she is taking the month of November and writing a letter to a different person every day to tell them she is thankful for them. HOW COOL IS THAT!
Focus on thankfulness past November! Let’s change our perspective with hope to change our lives so we are filled with gratitude. Practice the discipline of being thankful this holiday season, and hopefully it will overflow as habit into the rest of the year. And I call it a discipline, because it may take discipline to change your mindset or perspective. But disciplines cause lasting change. So …
Read MoreBlessing in Disguise
Sometimes we receive blessings in disguises, other times we give them. But it is so cool when we realize how God orchestrates and plans out things. I wrote this story down in my journal from a few years ago, and I wanted to share it with you. ” [Unnamed friend] was going through a hard week last week. A week ago she decided to skip something she is a part of and go to a mid week church service to take a breath from the chaos of life and refresh her soul. I had the night free so I chose to go with her. The service was great, but it was what happened this past week that really showed us how AMAZING God is. After the service we connected with a friend that she hadn’t seen in awhile. It was real quick… didn’t think much of it. But that friend texted her the beginning of the week and asked if we were doing a women’s Bible study. He had a friend that was looking for something to get involved in. Perfect opportunity. We just started our group a couple weeks ago. She texted with the friend’s friend. And that new friend came Tuesday night and shared in our fellowship and community with one another. And not only was she blessed, but she blessed all of us by her spirit and eagerness and willingness to open up a little.” A blessing in disguise…
We all know what it is like to be new in situations. We all know how it feels to go into a situation with a little uneasiness and fear. But what we don’t always recognize, is God is just waiting to blow our minds and provide for us in ways we can’t even imagine. Too often we let …
Read MoreBean Dip
Bean Dip is a great thing to make for a party, to take to a friend’s house, or just to enjoy on your own. As I was making this bean dip, I was thinking about how important each layer is to create the overall taste. Yes, analyzing a bean dip. Seems a little weird. But when you are making food for other people to join in and fellowship together while eating, you really think about how much more there is to it. Food brings people together. And people have all sorts of stories, all sorts of characteristics, all sorts of “layers” that takes time and investment getting to know them. And each layer is important. It is a part of who they are, where they came from, or how they have grown. Taking out one layer or one part of the story may leave a piece missing.
So here’s the bean dip recipe:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Put all ingredients in a 9×13 pan in this order (smooth out to make flat layers)
- 2 small/ 1 big can of refried beans
- Mix together 1/2 cup of mayo and 1/2 cup of sour cream
- 3.1 small can of diced green chiles
- 1/2 cup of salsa
- 2-3 cups of cheddar cheese
- Olives on top (optional)
Cook for 30 minutes and enjoy with a bag of tortilla chips!
- 2 small/ 1 big can of refried beans
- Mix together ½ cup of mayo and ½ cup of sour cream
- 1 small can of diced green chiles
- ½ cup of salsa
- 2-3 cups of cheddar cheese
- Olives on top (optional)
- Preheat oven to
Waiting… and waiting… and waiting… What are you waiting for? Maybe you aren’t waiting now, but you know what that feels like. Anxiety, stress, strife, unease, uncertainty, doubt. Whoever came up with the phrase the “waiting game” is crazy, because for me, games are fun and waiting is not. Yes I know, I know, you can learn alot through the process of waiting. It’s just HARD. I know waiting is supposed to be working on patience. I know that waiting creates opportunities to grow. I know waiting reminds us that we can’t have everything exactly how or when we want it. But sometimes it just flat out sucks. And the whole thing of “yes I am learning to be patient” can feel like it is covering up how I really feel. But here’s what I really want to say. “WAITING SUCKS! Haven’t I waited long enough? How long will it be?” Have you ever wanted to scream that too? I know I am not alone.
I have realized my sight is too nearsighted, my vision too narrow. I say I am trusting the Lord’s timing. I say I am okay in the process. But do my prayers really show that? Does my heart really feel that? I think moreso, I am waiting for what I want to happen. I want things how I want them… Is it okay to admit that? I am not giving the waiting to the Lord to let His will be done. I am not fully surrendering my will. Yes I am waiting, there is no way around that. But my heart is impatient and frustrated that my plan isn’t in place. There is not peace in my soul. There is no quiet in my heart. There is just discontent. Because my perspective is wrong. I …
Read MoreBeing in Community
Image from
This Saturday we are hosting a block party! What a better way to meet the neighbors, invite friends over, and open up our home (or cul-de-sac) to be in the community! On Halloween! This day is all about neighborhoods, having fun, and people. (Well I guess we can’t leave out candy). We have a big trick or treat neighborhood so it will be fun to have lots of families stopping by as we are all hanging out in the front yard and driveway. There has definitely been some work that has gone into it, but we are excited to host, meet people, and hang out with friends!
But planning this party has got me thinking about all the different circles we find ourselves in. And I am not talking about any social media or google circles. Those don’t count. But actual community. Lives we interact with, people we touch, hearts we know, and souls we reach. People and relationships are one of the most important things we have. Do we take care of those? Do we cherish the people around us? Do we cultivate new friendships? Or do we leave work and disengage? Do we drive home and shut the garage door? Do we stay secluded inside our own bubble? But who are those people around you that might need you? Who around you may be a blessing to you if you just leave a little space?
Think about your circles. Are they just social circles? Are they circles of influence? Are you influencing them? Are they influencing you? Are they prayer circles? Are they sports circles? What circles overlap? Which ones never touch? Which ones can we intersect? Are you purposeful in your circles? Or are you just existing?
Think about these things. How can you …
Read More100 Percent!
Picture from
When we are spending time with people, I think most of us want those relationships to look a certain way. We want the friendship or relationship to go both ways, be reciprocal, have a give and take, or be somewhere close to “50/50”. It’s pretty normal to have that perspective about most things. With friends, family, coworkers, classmates, whoever it is, there is a certain level of expectation that relationships go two ways. It’s an investment. And with investments there is usually something received in return.
But here’s my dilemma… what if Christ loved us under those conditions? What if Christ only loved us if we loved him first. What if he loved us the more we did for him? It’s a good thing that this is so far from how to characterize Christ’s love. Christ’s love is unconditional. He doesn’t ask us to come half way. He comes all the way, no matter how far into the depths that all the way is. He doesn’t ask anything of us, except for us to let Him in. There is no formula, no agenda, no guideline. Just LOVE. It reaches beyond anything we can even imagine. We can’t even picture how much He loves us because it is just too big. Nothing we ever do will earn more love or take away His love. We don’t deserve it. We don’t even know how to fully understand it. But we can receive it.
So we say we love as Christ loves, but do we really? Don’t we usually have some sort of agenda lurking in the background? We say we are giving and loving people and don’t expect anything from them but I am not sure if that is always the truth. Maybe you are struggling today with your …
Read MoreHappy Birthday wishes to the BEST MOM EVER!
It is a very important person’s birthday today!!! It’s time to celebrate!!! Happy Birthday to the coolest, most courageous, most spirited, most enthusiastic, most loving, and most terrific mom ever!! We love you so much and we are all so very blessed you are in our lives!!!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
Workouts Revamped!
Are you in a workout slump? Are you tired of doing the same thing over and over? Do you want to head to the gym or set aside fifteen minutes and not have to think? Well here’s an idea for you to try. The Nike Training App is ranked one of the best fitness apps by many users and critics. I mean let’s be honest, what isn’t amazing that Nike puts out! But it tells you what to do for your circuit training? Sounds pretty ideal to me!
Why it is so awesome:
It’s up to you. You can pick your drills. You can pick how hard you are pushed. You have audio to give you tips on form and step by step videos and images. You can do it alone, do it with friends, or share it with friends. And you even get to “train with the pros”. They have some of the best fitness people in the world on their pushing you and encouraging you! People like Carly Lloyd, Shawn Johnson, Serena Williams, celebrity trainers, and more.
How it works:
- Choose your goal: Get lean, Get toned, Get strong, or Get focused!
- Choose your level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
- View the workouts, choose which one works for you based on time and ability
- Get after it and get your sweat on!
It’s fun, it’s motivating, and it is an easy way to switch things up! And you can keep track of all your workouts to see your progress or your schedule. Try it out and let us know what you think!
Read MoreFocus
Thought patterns can become habitual. They can also be changed with intentional effort Responding in joy, reacting in negativity, answering in content, or retorting with frustration… they can all come to mind so easily with the snap of a finger. It often seems like you can’t control what thoughts come into your mind. You can, with lots of focus and effort. But you can always control what you do with those thoughts. The mind is a powerful thing. We need to train our minds, our thoughts, our ideas to be more focused on who we want to be, on our goals, and on something bigger than ourselves.
Focus is “The ability to keep your attention where you consciously want it to be. It’s the art of disciplining your imagination to achieve your desired outcomes.”
By changing our thought patterns it is ultimately changing our mindset and perspective. We all have some sort of self talk whether it is positive, negative, helpful, harmful, encouraging… etc. What story are you telling yourself? Are you your own worst enemy? Do you believe in yourself? Do you give others the benefit of the doubt? Are you focused on yourself, others, God? Take some time this week to think about your own self talk. What are your initial reactions? What do you think when you go throughout your day? Who do you want to be? All your thoughts should be channelling towards the person you want to be. If you want to be a grateful person, you will be grateful about the every day things in your life. If you want to be filled with joy, your initial reaction needs to be filled with joy. If you want to be a happy person and your first reactions are angry, there is going to be some …
Read MoreCaribbean Creole Sauce for Any Meat
- 2 TBS coconut oil or olive oil (if you want a touch of coconut flavor, use that)
- ½ onion
- 3 stalks of celery
- ½ pepper
- 4 cloves garlic minced
- 3 sprigs of thyme
- 2 scallions
- 2 TBS oregano
- 1 TBS cayenne pepper
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 TBS worchestire sauce
- 1 TBS apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup chicken stock or chicken broth
- 1 can tomato sauce
- 1 can diced tomato
- 2 lbs of chicken
- 1 handful of parsley
- In a deep skillet over medium heat, heat one tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil and saute the white onion, green pepper, celery, and garlic for about 4 minutes.
- Add in the tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, green onion, chicken stock, red wine vinegar, worchestire sauce and seasonings.
- Add cubed chicken and cover. Cook until tender and cooked through. If you have already cooked chicken, just add to the sauce and warm uncovered. It works great with cooked shredded meat also.
- Add parsley at the end
- 1/2 onion
- 3 stalks of celery
- 1/2 pepper
- 4 cloves garlic minced
- 3 sprigs of thyme
- 2 scallions
- 2 TBS oregano
- 1 TBS cayenne pepper
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 TBS worschestire sauce
- 1 TBS apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup chicken stock or chicken broth
- 1 can tomato sauce