Posts by Bethany Wilkes
Dress up and hit the town, well kinda!
We got to go to a wedding! A great reason or excuse to dress your kids up, and from my biased opinion, they did look pretty cute! And to make it even sweeter, Garrett was the ring bearer! And it was absolutely priceless! Our first full family wedding, and it was quite a hit! We had a great time, and our kids did too!
New breakfast spot
We did it! I love to run… but I don’t make myself commit to certain goals with running much. But this time… my husband and I set a goal, signed up, and did it! And we met our goal of running it in a certain time. Which I wasn’t quite sure we were going to do since we both got the stomach flu a few days before. But we healed up enough to do it. So I got to make a huge check off my bucket list for this one!!!…
Love to play
We love to play with friends! Especially at fun places like luv2play! It is so fun to be able to watch your kids play with friends but also get to play with them on all the toys. It’s like an adult sized playground too, the slide is super fun. I love when I get to engage with my kids in their world.
Read MoreKids play while moms hang
My oldest is doing gymnastics! Which was a blast our first class! It’s pretty fun, they are learning, having fun, getting instruction from someone else, which the teacher is amazing with kids, and getting to be with friends and cousins. And one of the great perks is if Garrett is with friends that means I am too! So I get to “hang” out with mom friends while they do class! And I say “hang” because it’s really us getting a few words in while we chase around other kids! But that’s the life as a mom. We do the best we can with whatever time we have!…
Read MoreSlowing down and enjoying the park
My kids love the park! I teach a stroller strides class at a park every Friday and I have really been enjoying slowing down and actually playing with my kids at the park. My little girl just loves the swings and has now a new found love for slides. So while my little boy just runs around like crazy, I get to enjoy my little girl as I follow her around and make sure she doesn’t fall. But it is making me slow down, put my phone away, and enjoy her. And I love it! I’ll swing that cute little girl every day!…
Pumpkin Patch
The Cutest Pumpkins in the Patch
Who doesn’t love a pumpkin patch! My kids love it and wanted just about every pumpkin in the patch! I will just pick them, they are my cute little pumpkins. Fall is such a beautiful time of year and enjoying the outdoors and time together is such a joy. And who doesn’t love an area full of orange and white pumpkins that you can sit on, carry, and take to your own home to carve. My kids each picked out their own pumpkin, mama and dada got one too. Big pumpkins, small pumpkins, white pumpkins, cinderella pumpkins, and multicolored pumpkins… there are so many different types you can get. Then you buy pumpkins and bring them home and get to discover what is inside them and carve a design in them. They are so fun! The pumpkin patch is always a blast! Go get your pumpkins this year, and rather than buy them at a store, find them in a patch!
Signing up for new things: Let’s try SOCCER!
Look at that cutie in his soccer outfit, all suited up and ready to go! My little boy, growing up so fast. I signed Garrett up for soccer this month, and it could not be more fun! While he’s not ready for a real game, he is having alot of fun. It gets some energy out, he’s getting instruction from someone and playing with other kids, and enjoying it! Even if his skills don’t improve, it is something new. And we are all having fun!
Eat something fun!
Bucket List Challenge is here!
One of the things I have been thinking about doing more with the kids is spontaneous treats. It is easy to get into habits of eating treats at birthday parties and special occasions, or for potty rewards… but when you get to go to a place and experience the environment through food it can be a wonderful thing. I love apples, and the season of fall in my area where I live brings all the people up to apple hill. There is apple picking, amazing apples, apple pie, apple fritters, and of course APPLE DONUTS. We cannot go up to apple hill without experiencing apple donuts. Whether its winter time and we are sledding down the hill last winter, or this week when we get to go experience the beautiful fall weather and the actual apple season, it is always a hit! I love seeing the joy on my son’s face as he gets his own SPECIAL donut. And my daughter even got some bites this time too! So check of my bucket list for eating something fun, just because!
Read MoreLove Fiercely
This past week I lost a friend. She passed away unexpectedly a few days after her new baby boy was born. The moment I found out I was so shocked, heartbroken, devastated for her family, I didn’t want it to be real. It couldn’t be real… This mom was running by my side a few weeks ago at Fit4mom class and now she’s just not here? While I can’t begin to imagine what her family and close loved ones are going through, this mom and friend was a part of our village and the loss hit us hard. She was one of us. She was a dedicated member of our Fit4mom group. She was a friend. She was a mama who loved fiercely. She was a go getter that worked for what she wanted. She was an inspiration who motivated others. This girl lived fiercely, loved fiercely, laughed fiercely, and left an impact wherever she went. Her smile and tenacity will stay with me and with our village. Her strength is an example to us. Her love is what we can strive for. She will be in our hearts and her inspiration will live on. I am so thankful to have known her. My heart breaks every time I think of it, it doesn’t make sense, it may never make sense, but I know she will live on in the hearts of so many.