Anti-Inflammation Foods

As many of you know, I am recovering from a serious back injury.  I am NOT a person that likes to take medicine, which is ironic because I am a certified Physician Assistant and my husband is a Pediatrician. So when this injury occurred, I did not have any choice at first but to take some pain meds and some anti-inflammatory medicine to help me through that first week. Since the pain meds made me crazy, I got off that asap and have continued to take NSAIDs-ibuprofen (Advil) for the past 6 weeks. Now that I am feeling alot better and can actually sit at my computer and compose a paragraph or two, I decided to do some research on foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. I really want to get off the daily Advil that I have been taking now for 6 weeks but every time I cut way down or try to stop all together, I feel worse. I am sure that it is coupled with the fact that my brain thinks I am totally healed and I have a hard time not over doing it. I want so badly to be back hiking, biking and doing yoga and pilates. I already take all kinds of supplements and I just added a few more to my daily routine. My physical therapist asked me last visit if I had ever heard of the anti-inflammation diet and I decided that it was time to check it out. So today I sat down to learn about other ways to help my back heal by decreasing the inflammation in my body through the foods I eat and here is what I found out……..(this information is compiled from many different websites)

Many of the foods on the anti-inflammation list are vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts-non-animal based foods. Plant foods do not have the same intrinsic defense immune response system that animals do but they do have naturally occurring compounds in them that develop a natural defense system to protect them from predators. Scientists have discovered that these compounds that provide plant defenses contain natural anti-inflammatory properties for people when eaten. Thus, anti-inflammatory foods reduce the levels of inflammation in the body. When you eat anti-inflammatory foods at each meal, you can help protect your body one meal at a time. Typically the darker the fruit or vegetable, the higher the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefit.

“All disease is rooted in chronic inflammation in the body. Diabetes and obesity are now linked with chronic inflammation. Researchers have long known heart disease and inflammation were intrinsically tied and even cancers are perpetuated by chronic inflammation. Eliminate inflammation in the body, and disease begins to improve.” says Julie Daniluk, R.H.N., host of “The Healthy Gourmet” on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), and author of “Meals that Heal Inflammation.”

Here is my list: (the anti-inflammatory nutrient is listed when available)

Kale (Omega 3)
Spinach (magnesium, calcium, folate, Vit A,B2,B6,C,K, iron)
Broccoli (sulforaphane)
Cauliflower (sulforaphane)
Brussel sprouts (sulforaphane)
Sweet potato (beta carotene, managanese, Vit B6,C)
Shitake mushrooms
Purple cabbage
Squash (carotenoids)

Blueberries (phytonutrients)
Strawberries (phytonutrients)
Cranberries (phytonutrients)
Blackberries (phytonutrients)
Papaya (papain)
Pineapple (bromelain)

Tumeric (cucurumin)
Flax seed
Chia seed
Sesame seeds (plant sterols, Vit B1,B3,E calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese)
Hemp seeds (plant sterols, Vit B1,B3,E, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese)

Wild Salmon (EPA, DHA, Omega 3)
Olive oil
Avocado oil (polyphenols)
Green Tea (flavinoids)
Kelp (fucoidan)
Dark Chocolate (antioxidants, potassium, copper)IMG_5694 IMG_5721 IMG_4972

A few of the things I am going to make a commitment to cutting down on or removing totally from my diet are as follows (many of these are known NO NO’s and I have already cut them out):
Refined sugar
Polyunsturated fats
Hydrogenated fats (including vegetable shortening)
Feed lot meat
Processed meat
Refined grains
Food additives

What is one thing you can do in your life to improve your physical health?Kerry Signature48


  1. Annie B. on July 22, 2013 at 2:02 pm

    Great post Kerry!!!
    I went to the farmers market yesterday and came home with lots of lovely fruits on veggies on this list! I would love to cut out refined sugar from my diet but I love cookies!

    • Kerry Weisser on July 23, 2013 at 7:27 pm

      I have been adding at least 5 off the list every day and have been feeling much better. I am cutting WAY back on my anti-inflammatory meds.