Am I Satisfied? 4 Questions to ask yourself……
What does is mean to be truly satisfied? The definition of the word satisfy used as a verb is to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs or demands of a person or to put an end to a desire, want or need by sufficient provision. Some of the synonyms for the word satisfy are gratify, pacify, appease and please.
What is enough?
Do I appreciate my blessings?
Do I buy more than I need?
Do I serve those in need?
How are we satisfied? What brings satisfaction…..?
CONFLICT FREE LIVING– when relationships with family and friends are going well and there is no conflict in interpersonal relationships in business or community.
COMPLETED “TO DO” LIST-having a “To Do” list completed for the day.
CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY– “satisfied” may be when people feel they are making a contribution to society.
CONTENTMENT-Satisfaction comes when hopes or expectations are met by people, or circumstances that can be controlled or events that occur in our lives that can not be controlled.
FULFILLMENT OF WANTS/NEEDS-Often times we think of satisfaction only in terms of the fulfillment of material wants and needs. In our culture of consumerism and materialism we get off track easily. Every where we turn there is an opportunity to to be discontent because the goal of media marketing is to makes us believe there is “more and better” of everything we could possibly need or want.
A few months ago, my husband and I read a book with a few friends called “Satisfied-Discovering Contentment in a World of Consumption” written by Jeff Manion
The DVD series and workbook that went along with this book had some challenging tasks for us to do, to help us begin our journey towards contentment and generosity. We learned how to be SATISFIED.
WEEK 1- we had to count all the shirts and shoes in our closet.
What is enough?
WEEK 2- we were asked to write all the blessings we could think of that we have in our life.
Do I appreciate my blessings?
WEEK 3- we had to go on a spending fast and were only allowed to buy food and medications. Do I buy more than I need?
WEEK 4- (My favorite week) we were asked to serve someone or volunteer to help someone-cleaning, moving, cooking-whatever they needed.
Do I serve those in need?
All of these exercises and more, helped us identify our attitudes and beliefs about contentment and being satisfied, because we were forced to actually take an honest look at our practices and behaviors. I would highly recommend this book, study guide and DVD series.
WEEK 2 was easy for me because I have so many things to be grateful for. If I were to measure my wealth in terms of relationships, and the blessing of family-especially grandchildren, I am the richest woman ever.
I love my family and friends and am always so grateful for any opportunity I have to spend time celebrating the satisfaction that a comes with gathering together.
The task of NOT spending money on anything but food and medicine for a week seemed overwhelming at first, but it was actually very freeing. I was not tempted to buy nonessentials and every excuse I usually used to justify buying things I do not need, did not seem convincing enough to make me break my spending fast. My favorite task was to serve someone because it gave me a fresh perspective on how satisfying it is to put your own needs aside and serve another person, just for the sake of serving. I realized how important it is to look at life from another person’s perspective who might have a need that I could fulfill. I was able to bring satisfaction to the person I served and have a generous heart toward her.
One of the most important things I learned was that by examining what I value, I can practice a habit of trusting God to provide all that I need for true contentment and to live a satisfied life.
Psalms 107:9 says “For God satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” and in Philippians 4:11 the apostle Paul says “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”
Are you satisfied?