5 Directives to Develop Strong Character and Grow in Relationships
A very famous writer and well known orator was known for his commitment to helping encourage people in self development and interpersonal relationships. He was a brilliant man, known for his courage and passion for spreading good news. One of his letters was written to a group of people in Corinth that he had taught over the years. He had committed to helping them thrive in spite of hard times. Over the years, they had stolen his heart and he was passionate about seeing them conquer their enemies from within and from without. He wanted them to work on a few character development exercises before he arrived for his last visit. He reminded them about how they had become new in Christ. He challenged them to “not waste their sufferings”, because suffering connects us with others in a way that no other experience can. He encouraged them to take comfort by looking above the layer of clouds that overshadows people when they are suffering. He talked to them in this letter about how God equips each one of His followers to be free of the chains of their past. He taught them about a God who would be a father to them-a good an generous father. He explained to them about personal generosity-sharing their gifts and talents with others who have needs. And he addressed their comparison thinking which was a big factor in their strife and sufferings. He sent them this letter so they could work on a few things before he arrived so he would not have to make his visit a confrontational and discouraging visit. He ended his letter with 5 directives…..
How would your relationships be different if you focused on rejoicing, unity, peace, comfort?
Last weekend we had the opportunity to focus on encouraging and celebrating our sweet Bethany who is pregnant with her second child-a girl-due in July. Many great women were in attendance at her baby shower called Sprinkled with Love. Four generations of family were represented and it was a blessed time of uplifting conversation and sharing of wisdom. (A blog post will be up shortly to tell more details about the shower) My take away from that gathering of women was that those women who focus on their relationship with God and loving and serving others will develop strength of character and build loving and long lasting relationships.
Here is the guest of honor, Bethany, her little boy, Garrett and her baby girl to be.Here is Bethany with her sister, Bekah, the hostess of the fantastic shower and baby Hezi.
Here are the 4 generations represented at the shower to honor Bethany. My mom and her sister, me and my sister, 2 of the 4 Growing Weisser sisters and 3 of our 10, soon to be 11 grandchildren.
If you are interested in reading this famous letter, grab a bible and read 2 Corinthians written by Paul the Apostle.