Serve with a humble, thankful heart

“Ruth was a woman with a humble heart—a trait that’s a companion virtue of gratitude…And because she relinquished her demands for certain expectations, she was able to be genuinely thankful when she actually did receive the blessing of his (Boaz’s) generosity….Ruth went out to serve with a humble, thankful heart.”

As I read today’s devotional, I couldn’t help but think of motherhood. It explained how living day-to-day with expectations takes away from being thankful for what we have and seeing all that God has blessed us with. Being a mom isn’t always easy, and I know that if I lived expecting my children to owe me something for all I do for them, I would be disappointed all the time. But, if I can remember to serve them with humility, then I can see my little ones for what they are – BLESSINGS! I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given me to give to my littles and learn to be more like Ruth.